Chapter 15

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Serenity watched as Sin's blood dropped off her brother's sword. Her fiancé was gone. For good. Two seconds ago, he was kissing her.

The brother and sister looked at each other. The sword wasnt pointed at her but to the ground. This war tore them apart and now, they were fighting for power.

As a tear rolled down her check, she screamed. A loud wail came from her mouth as she got up from the ground. Pulling out her gold wings from the long necklace, she ripped the chain off her neck. She held it out to Hilarus. The diamond shape with a moon crescent in the middle glowed. As it glowed brighter, the transforming devise turned into a wand with a gold moon crescent on it. Sitting on the moon was the Silver Millennium Crystal.

Serenity held out the wand to Hilarus. "Don't even try to touch me with that. You are never welcomed here, ever!"

He stepped closer to her and drew his sword. The blood started to dry. "Don't make me kill you."

"You'll be dead before me." She spit out.

She moved her wand up then quickly sliced the air with it. A powerful light came out if the crystal. It flew towards Hilarus's chest and his body flew backwards. Her brother bounced off the ground then hit the floor.

Serenity's heels clicked as she walked closer to her brother. Her wand was held out toward him, ready to fight. Hilarus pushed himself up and ran toward her with his sword in the air. The Queen pointer the crystal at him then moved it across her body. The Silver Millennium took control of his body. Hilarus fell to the side and his back hit against the wall.

"You are not going to win, Hilarus." Serenity bellowed at him.

He looked up at his sister and gave her a half grin. Hilarus jumped up and slapped her rod out of her hand. It spun in the air then hit the balcony floor. It slide across the floor then stopped at the other end.

Serenity looked from Hilarus to her weapon. In a blink of an eye, she saw Hilarus swing his sword toward her neck. His sister ducked the blade and pushed his body against the wall. His breath was taken away and while he recovered, Serenity dashed to her wand.

As Serenity ran, Hilarus reached for her. He was faster than her and he was able to reach her. His arms wrapped around her waist and pinned her arms to her side. She screamed while he pushed her to the ground. Serenity wiggled around buy Hilarus got on top of her to keep her still. He held one arm while he pointed his sword to her. She laid still and looked down the silver blade. It shinned in her eye.

"Looks like I'm going to win this time, sister." He mocked her.

Serenity looked over to see her wand a few feet in front of her head. With her free arm, she stretched as much as she could. The tips of her fingers touched the handle. As Hilarus dropped his sword, Serenity reached more. Her scream pierced his ears.

The wand was safely in her hand and she held it over her face for cover. As the blade touched the wand, light blinded the two. The weight was off of Serenity. She looked up to see Hilarus still standing but he was several feet away. The power of the crystal must have thrown him off of her.

Serenity blinked then got up. She felt weak from the fighting but she found inner strength. For a moment, all she could hear were the screams from bellow. She forced herself not to look over.

Suddenly, Hilarus let out a yell. With his sword over his head, he ran toward Serenity. She narrowed her eyes at him. She moved her wand in front of her again calmly and looked at him. Serenity waited till he was a few feet away from her. Right when he stepped where she wanted him to be, the wand let out the power. A gold glow with glitter everywhere and went straight to Hilarus. He used his sword for a shield but that didn't help. Instead, it flew to the side. The blade clinked against the wall. Hilarus went backwards and fell. The power almost crippled him from pain.

Serenity waited a minute before walking over to Hilarus. He laid still on the ground. He had bruises on his face and hands. A cut was across his forehead and a hit if blood trailed out of his nose. She took another step to get closer.

Too quick for her to react, Hilarus jumped up and reached for her neck. Her eyes go wide and Serenity tries to take a breath. Hilarus's hands hold her neck tighter. With her free hand, she grabbed his hands and tried to pull them off.

Hilarus pushed Serenity to the wall of the balcony. The top of her torso and head was over the wall. Her white pig tails were flowing in the end.

Serenity's lungs ached for air. She could feel Hilarus push her more over. Her eyes closed and she sent out a silent prayer.

Sailor Moon: Siliver MillineumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora