Chapter 3

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Serenity sank dipper in her tub. Her mouth went into the hot water as hr nose stayed above the surface to breath. She closed her eyes and tried no to think.

Knock. Knock.

Water went back and forth as Serenity sat up. "Yes?"

"Your Highness?" A maid. "There is a letter for you."

A smile spread across her face as Serenity heard the good news. The maid slowly walked in and gave the letter to the princess. It didn't have a return address but that was enough did Serenity to know who it was from.


Her eyes slowly read the letter. Then reread it again. Her wet fingers made the paper flimsy but she didn't care. Sin was okay. He still loved her. That was all Serenity needed to hear at this moment.

Knock. Knock.

Serenity made a face. "Yes?"

"It's time to get ready, your Highness."

She sighed and stood up on her tub. A fluffy white towel with the crescent on it was wrapped around her body as a maid slowly dried the princess off. Another maid held her hair as she blowed dried it. The white hair fell down her back, clinging to the damp body.

As two maid fixed her hair into the odangos, another maid cradled a dress in her arms. She knelt down in front of Serenity as the maids did the last few touches of her hair. The maid fixed the dress to where Serenity could step into it. All three of the maid helped Serenity into her dress. When the dress was finally on, they zipped it up.

A pair if white heels with a gold moon crescent on the front and gold on the heels waited for her. As the maids rushed out, she stepped into her shoes. The silence tips Serenity off for a minute. Her room seems too quiet.

Serenity walked to the floor length mirror. Her crowning dress was a low cut that showed a hint of her breasts. Gold trims went on each side of her shoulders. The dress was mostly made of white silk. The sleeves went all the way to her wrists the flowed out a bit. The bottom of the dress hit the floor but cut on each side of her leg to show them off. A gold crescent was on top of teach slit. Another crescent was right underneath her breasts where the low cut ended. The maids had put gold crescents on her odangos that hand beads hanging down from them. A strand of beads went into her white pony tails. Her gold crescent that was on her forehead glowed with new energy.

"It is your time, Serenity." She told herself in the mirror as the maids opened the door for her. A maid walked on each side of her as she walked down the fibulae Crystal Hall. She looked at each Queen. At the very end, her Mother smiled at her daughter.

Serenity kept her attention forward as she entered the temple. The area where pews lined up had people crowded in. The citizens sat in the back and stood around the walls. They all smiled at Serenity as she walked down the aisle. Towards the front, the Sailors sat together to watch their friend. For once, they were all dressed in their Princess outfits to represent the planets. In the very front was Hilarus and their cousin, Nehelenia. While her dark haired cousin smiled, Hilarus didn't meet his sister's eyes.

Serenity got to the front of the temple then turned around. She stood with her head held high. Her chest moved as she took in a breath. The priest came to her side and handed her the Staff of the Moon. It was a plan white staff that had a large crescent on the top of it. The Millineum Crystal sat on the moon. The side of the crescent also had five wing like white lines coming off it.

"Do you swear on the Moon to always do what is best for this Kingdom? To always keep the Kingdom first in everything even if that means your own life?"

"I swear on the Moon." Serenity grabbed the staff and held it to support herself up.

The priest walks behind her then grabs the crown. The Moon Crown had been handed down from Queen to Queen. It had a red heart in the center. Gold wings held the heart in place. The base of the crown was gold with two spikes on the sides on it.

"Do you swear to keep this Kingdom alive? To help others in pain? To guard evil from the gates of our Kingdom?"

"I swear on the Moon."

"Do you understand that if any if these things happen and you fail to do your duty the title of Queen will be gone along with the crown? Once this is done, do you understand that the next heir, Hitarus, will take the crown and title as King?"

"I do."

At that, the priest raises the crown. Serenity bends her head down and the heavy crown sat on her head. She looks up and faces the crowd.

"It is my honor to pronounce our new queen." The priest announced "Queen Serenity of the Moon, daughter of the belated Queen Harmony and King Muun."

The temple erupted as the crowd cheered. Serenity's friends smiled at her and nodded to approve. Nehelenia clapped with a wide smile. Even Hilarus clapped with no enthusiasm. But for once, Serenity didn't worry. She was now Queen.

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