Chapter 2

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Serenity rolled over and her arm touched the bed. The covered had been moved over and the pillow was still formed like Sin was stilling there. A bit of her heart broke as she looked at the empty bed. She pushed herself up and looked around her suit.

He is gone...

She wrapped herself in her sheets to hide her nakedness. Her feet made a "pit pit pit" noise as she walked to her wardrobe for a clean dress. The one that the princess her worn last night was now on the floor and dirty from the walk.

As she dressed herself, Serenity pulled up her hair in the traditional style that the royalty wears. She took one look in the mirror and breathed. "Time to go see mom."

After a flight of stairs and a few halls, she was in the Queen's room. Her mother laid on her back in bed as her daughter held her hand. Queen Harmony's skin was more transparent after being sick for so long. Her green hair almost gave her a weird apprentice than her usual proud confidence she once had.


Her voice was only a croak now. "I'm here mother."

Queen Harmony's head turned toward her. Her hazel eyes were barely open and her lips were chapped. "Something is coming."

The princess was taken back. Usually on a death bed, people talk about how they love each other. Not about evil. "Mother... I..."

"No. Listen." She breathed in deeply. "Evil. So strong. You need everyone to help you."

Serenity rubbed her mother's hand to calm her. She didn't want to hear this when her mom was about to die. "Shh... It's okay mother. I can do it."

The doors to her room bursted open. They slammed against the wall as Serenity's brother walked in. His red hair was wave and matched his temper. His eyes slant at Serenity's face.

"Be quite. Mother is trying to go to sleep, Hilarus." Serenity said with a stern tone.

He moved her hand to hush his sister. Hilarus was wearing his black armored outfit with the moon crescent printed on it. It was given to him by father when before he took his last breath. Instead of saying an insult, he went to mother's other side. "Mother."

Queen Harmony turned her head to her son. "Hilarus."

"You need to tall us." He pressured her.

"Hilarus." Serenity warned him.

"No. He's right." Queen Harmony breathed. "I have chosen."

The siblings wait in silence.

"Hilarus. You.."

"You chose Serenity." His tone was cold. Hatred flowed through his veins as he thought of his little sister ruling over him. "I am the rightful heir."

"I choose Serenity." Their mother says in a more definite tone. Her children didn't dare to question her.

"Do not turn on each other. You two need each other at this time..." She began.

"Mother..." Serenity starts.

"No." She turns and looks at her daughter. "I love you two so much."

A tear rolled down her check as Serenity watched the light fade from her mother's eyes. "I love you too, mother."

Just like that, the Queen was dead and now Serenity is Queen.

Hilarus pushed his chair back and it slide across the floor. "She choose you over me! I am the son, the eldest."

"You can't be mad because she chose me, Hilarus." Serenity shot at him. Her looked up at him. She was still sitting on the chair next to the bed and holding their mother's hand. It was still warm.

He let out a laugh. "Not be mad? It is my god damn right to be King. I should be the one ruling this place."

"She had her reasons."

"No. You were just her favorite." He sneered. Hilarus held the door and before slamming them both shut he yelled, "I hope you ruin his Kingdom!"

Serenity sat at her mother's bedside and took one more look at the Queen. "Why did you choose me?"


Serenity bit back all the tears and stood tall. She walked out of her mother's room. Without thinking, her legs moved her down the hall.

She found herself at the Moon temple. Hestia was in front of the large fire that was always a blazed. Her friend had long purple hair with a gold berate that had a large red circle on the front then tiny ones around it. Hestia was already transformed into her Scout form like she should be since her job is to protect the princess. Her collar was red with a white trim. A dark red bow covered her chest with a red diamond in the middle. The top part of her outfit was red that covered her chest then trimmed in gold around her breasts. A gold kind went Dow. Her stomach to connect to another gold trim. Her skirt was red with one line of gold around the bottom of it. Her heels were red. She wore white gloves that was trimmed with gold and red pearls. She had a gold tiara on her forehead that had a red circle in the middle of it.

Hestia wasn't just a friend and a guardian. She was also Sailor Mars and Serenity's partner when evil came. The two had grown up with eachother.

"Mother died."

Hestia turned to Serenity. "I'm so sorry."

Serenity shook her head. "That isn't the worst part. She choose me over Hilarus."

Her friend acted as if she already knew. "That is good."

"You knew?"

"I figured it out." Hestia shrugged.

Serenity let out a loud sigh. "He hates me!"

"He will get over it."

"In like 100 years!" Serenity yelled.

Hestia waved a finger at her friend. "Stop going crazy about it. You have more things to worry about."

Serenity gave Hestia a look. "You feel it too?"

She had feelings and saw things from the future. Citizens come to her from all over to know what their dreams mean. Hestia is like a priest for the kingdom. "It is not good."

"Mother told me before she died."

Hestia nodded. "The Queen called me before she died. We were both concerned about the new evil but she is sure that we can fight it."

"What if we don't?" The question leaked out of the princess's mouth.

They both locked eyes and didn't say anything.

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