Chapter 11

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Serenity watched Nehelenia closely. She wasnt talking much today at tea time. Her mood started to go to Serenity. "Are you okay?"

Nehelenia sighed. "I guess. It's just... People are starting to becoming evil at my kingdom now."

Taken back, Serenity gasped. "Mine have been like that for a little over a week now. We have been doing our best to cure them but more keep being possessed."

Her cousin nodded. "It's not just the citizens. It is also my servants."


"Yes. I have found servants acting possessed. A guard was found last night the same way." Nehelenia shook her head. "You better watch out."

Serenity sat silently and thought about it. Could her servants be evil? What if Sin or maybe even one of the Scouts became evil? Then Serenity stopped. What about herself?

"I don't know what to do."

"Me either. This is getting out of control. My Scouts have been looking for a source what have came up empty." Serenity told Nehelenia with a sigh.

Nehelenia shook her head and began to sip her tea.

Serenity opened her mouth then stopped. From the corner of her eye, a servant was walking towards her. The Queen turned to see the woman holding a letter in her hand.

"Queen Serenity, you have a letter." The servant told her and bowed. Serenity slowly took the letter. It had no address or anything. It was blank.

"A letter? From who?" Nehelenia asked.

Serenity slide her finger under the flab. "I'm not sure..."

As she opened the letter, Serenity found a heavy piece of paper. It was the expensive kind that had gold borders with the crescent moon inside the trim. The Queen read the letter. Then reread it again.


Serenity's eyes went wide. "Excuse me. I... I have to go."

She stood up from the table before Nehelenia could stop her. Serenity walked straight to a large room. She used to go to this room all the time to visit. Now, she dreeded opening the door.

Serenity pulled the doors opened. The two double doors were heavy as they opened. A rush of cold air hit her face from the air conditioning. "Hilarus."

He turned around to her. "Sister! Great to see you! But if you haven't noticed, I am busy planning a war."

"You are planning a war against your own sister?!" Serenity yelled at her brother.

Hilarus bent over his table. The map of the kingdom along with the dark kingdom was printed on the map. He had little statues sitting on top of the paper. Serenity watched as he played with his toys and ignored her.

"Answer to your Queen." Serenity breathed through her teeth.

Hilarus turned to her. "Leave. I have business to do, Serenity."

Serenity walked to the table and swooped her arm across it. The map flies into the air while the toy peices hit the floor. Hilarus looked up at her angry. He pushed her against the wall and held her. Her back hit against the drawers and they scrapped against her body. "I told you to get out."

"I am not letting you declare war on me when all you want is the thrown."

"Give it to me then." He growled.

Serenity spit in his face. "No."

Hilarus grabs her and pulls her close to him. Then he throws her back against the drawers. She screamed in pain. "Damn you, Serenity. I am bringing you down."

"What army?" She challenged him.

A half smile appeared on his face. "Trust me, there are a lot of citizens planning for a rebellion. And they are all on my side."

"It won't work." Serenity yelled in his face.

"Shit up!" Hilarus raised his hand in the air. Serenity turned her head and closed her eyes.

His hands weren't holding her back anymore and her body hit the floor. Serenity looked up to see Sin holding Hilarus.

"Sin!" Serenity screamed. He turned to look at her. He lets go of her brother while Hilarus tries to breath regularly.

Sin helped Serenity up and held her close to him. The two walked out slowly. She kept her arms around him while he escorted her back to their room. While she sat on the bed to take a breather, Sin stalked the room.

"You do not go see Hilarus again."


He continued. "You will have a guard with you at all times."


"Serenity, there is a war about to happen. You need to be protected."

"He will not hurt me, Sin." Serenity told her fiancé.

She shook his head. "I don't care. I want you to be safe."

Serenity sat up and reached for him. Her hands cupped his face. "I am safe. You are here with me and I have the Millennium Crystal. We are okay."

Sin sighed. She felt him relax in her hands. "I know."

She kissed him quickly. "Please, go gather up the army. I need to have all of you ready."

He nodded and kissed her one more time before she walked out. As Sin walked out, Serenity's hand touched her stomach. "We will be okay."

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