Chapter 6

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Athena bursted through the palace doors. Her blue boots that laced up to her knees. She ran toward Serenity. Her pale blue hair got in her eyes but she pushed back the hair.

"Serenity!" She called out.

Maids turned around to look at the mad Sailor. She ran up to a maid and held ht by hr shoulders. "Where is the Queen?"

"In... In the... Court.."

At that, Sailor Mercury ran toward the meadow that Serenity usually ran to. She ran into the meeting of Nehelenia and the Queen.

She inhaled and tried to slow down. "Serenity."

She pushed her chair back to look at her friend. "Athena?"

"There is trouble."

The Queen set her cup down on the table. "Nehelenia... I.."

"Go! In fine! You have a duty to ahold."

Serenity nodded and ran with her friend. "What is it?"

"A citizen. She's... Well..."

"Spit it out." Serenity told Athena.

"A citizen is possessed, some what. Like she isn't her normal self."

Serenity stopped. This has never happened before. "What?"

Athena grabbed her Queen's hand, which was highly wrong to do. "Serenity, we need you."

It had been years since Serenity had transformed into her Sailor form. The evil, it should had been gone years ago. Long before Serenity could think about it. But her mother's word echoed her head. Her mother was right, the evil was back.

"You need to transform, now." Athena begged.

Serenity reached down for her broach. It was a necklace that all the Sailors usually wore. For the Queen, she wore it under her dress so it couldn't be so hard to see. It was a simple thing. A pale pink diamond was in the center on two gold wings. Inside the diamond was a white crescent moon. She slid her hand over it. "Millineum Crystal Prism Power Make up!"

Her Queen dress became the Sailor outfit. The collar was a pale pink with white trim. A pale blue bow covered her chest. A diamond that matched her broach sat on her bow. The cloth over her chest was a pale pink that had a gold trim while the torso part was white. A gold trim went down her torso and connected to the gold trim around the skirt. The skirt was a pale pink and it also had a gold trim. Her boots matched her skirt. The gloves she wore went up to her elbows that had a gold and white pearl trim.

Sailor Moon ran with Mercury to the city part of the kingdom. Random people ran around as a girl followed. She did look like a normal girl besides her eyes and skin. Her eyes were like black holes with a tiny white dot in the middle. Then her skin looked too tight for her body. Her veins poked out. It was... Nasty.

"Stop!" Sailor Moon yelled to the zombie like girl.

She turned and gave Sailor Moon a look. She opened her mouth and a long tung rolled out. Everyone gasped at the girl. It was repulsing. The girl ran toward Sailor Moon with swift speed.

Sailor Moon crossed her arms over her face waiting for the hit. Instead, Saikor Venus flies out of no where. Her beads that hung from her hair dangled down as she stood out in front of the monster.

"Venus Love Me Chain!"

Sailor Venus whipped out a chain and it wrapped around the monster. The girls' hands were binded to her waist. The chain couldn't hold her long nor heal her.

"Sailor Moon!" Mars said from behind her. She was running towards them. "Heal her."

Sailor Moon held out her scepter. A gold crescent was on the top of a pink staff. The Millineum Crystal sat on the crescent. She held it across her face. The spun around as the wand sprayed glitter. "Moon Healing!"

The girl froze in her step. The power almost paralyzed her as it healed. Her skin added more color to itself and her eyes became normal. The girl woke up from her trance and held her hand to her head. "Ow."

As Sailor Mercury walked to the girl to ask questions, Sailor Jupiter escorted Sailor Moon back to the castle. They two walked in silence.

"At least we can conquer this new evil." Jupiter said, trying to light up the mood.

Serenity shook her head. She had a bad gut feeling about this. "For now."

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