Chapter 14

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Serenity walked out in front of the whole group. As she walked out of the wide doors to the front yard. She looked out to see her whole palace starting to be surrounded. Guards fought off citizens but they were out numbered. The citizens were reveling though, they were all possessed.

"Oh my." Sailor Mercury said from behind Serenity.

The Outer Sailors ran out from behind Serenity. Pluto spun her staff in the air above her head as blind Saturn held out hers pointing to several citizens. Uranus and Neptune stood together and fought off the citizens that tried to attack the guards.

Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury rushed out to help while Sun went straight through the crowd to help. As each girl fought of serval citizens, Sin ran to help his friends. Serenity reached for him but Mars held her back. She pulled the Queen inside to castle.

"Don't you dare walk out there on that battle field." Hestia commanded Serenity.

She opened her mouth to disagree but Mars shut her up. "Stay in here. Go up stairs. Do something. I don't care if you watch from the balcony. Just do not come here. Got it?"

Serenity nodded and she ran to the stairs as Mars gave her a light shuve. The stairs at the end of the hall went up stairs. The rooms were for guests of children that could be born.

As she walked into a nursery, a large balcony was opened for her. From the door, she could hear the screams. Serenity wanted to go see what was going on but couldn't will herself. She felt like a coward for hiding.

As she slowly walked to the open balcony, her eyes looked over her city. The balcony was large and could fit a hundred people at least. It looked over the whole place. The best view in sight.

As she looked down, it was the worst view. Citizens were being slaughtered as they kept coming. Guards laid on the ground, bleeding. The Sailors fought hard but they were going to get tired sooner or later.

Serenity knew this war needed to be stopped by her.

From behind her, her ears picked up a footstep. Without turning around, she knew the click of the shoe. She had listened to it many times when her father came to see her.


"Hello, Serenity."

His hands moved her long white hair from her neck and chills went up her back. His breath touched her neck. She could also feel his body heat close to her. "Stop this now."

"Give me the thrown and I can stop it all."

Serenity turned to him. His face was inches from her. "You were the one giving evil to all these people."

"Yes." He told her with a smile. His mouth turned up on one side.

"I bet you started the rumors too."

He chuckled a bit. Serenity backed up but Hilarus was quick. He grabbed her wrist. She flinched and covered her stomach away from him from instinct. For a moment, she thought he didn't notice. His eyes looked from Serenity's face to her stomach. "Looks like you broke a rule, sister."

"It doesn't matter now. I'm getting married soon."

"Your having a bastard child! Of course it is breaking the rules."

Serenity tired to push him away but he held on tighter. She screamed louder. "Let go of me!"

Then they both fell to the ground. Hilarus rolled away from Serenity as a man went on top of his body. Sin punched Serenity's brother. Hilaris's blood gushed from his nose but he pushed Sin to the side. Hilarus tried to stand up but instead, Sin grabbed him by his foot. He fell against abs Sin reached him once more. As Sin stood up, he dragged Hilarus by his collar with him.

Serenity still laid on her stomach watching the two fight. Sin reared back his hand like he was going to punch and Hilarus moved his head back as a coward.

"Sin!" Serenity warned. They both look at her as if she grown another head. "Don't do it"

Serenity blinked and Hilarus grabbed for something behind him. As he grabbed hold of his sword, Serenity screamed. He held the sword over his head. In a swift movement, Sin looked up and reached for his. Their blades connected. Hilarus pushed Sin away with his sword and the two stumbled a bit.

Their swords went up and connected again. The two fought against each other as Serenity watched quietly. Over the side of the balcony, she could hear more screams.

Hilarus tried to swing at Sim but he missed. With years if practice, Sin knew how to fight. His blade connected with Hilarus's arm. Her brother fell to the ground in agony.

Sin turned away from Hilarus and looked at Serenity for the first time. They smiled at each other and he bent down to her. Their arms reached for each other as they embraced.

Serenity sighed into him. "Sin."

He held her back at arms length. "You didn't tell me you were with child."

Serenity debated on smiling. "I... I didn't know how to. The war kind of postponed it."

Sin smiled at her. "I don't care. You two are safe and that's all I care about."

"I love you." Serenity told him. Tears came to her eyes as she smiled back at Sin.

He gave her a long kiss. "I love you too."

Then, a silver blade went through his body. Blood splattered on Serenity's white dress. She screamed till her throat went raw. "Sin!"

His body fell to the side. Behind him was Hilarus. He reached for his sword and pulled it out. It dropped blood.

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