Enjolras? Meet iPhone!

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Avenir: I was a little hesitant to show you this one question we received, Enjolras, but if you want to keep up with life in the future, you're going to have to see it

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Avenir: I was a little hesitant to show you this one question we received, Enjolras, but if you want to keep up with life in the future, you're going to have to see it...

Enjolras: I think I can handle it.

R: I think you won't.

Enjolras: ....

Av: Be nice, R.  So Enjolras, you know how the blacksmith shop, when he does his work and there's this constant orange glow?

Enjolras: I don't know where you're going with this.


Av: Well, with the next thing I'm going to show you, it has a constant blue glow, because it emanates blue light.  It's not good to look at it for more than two hours in a row.  But it won't give you disease or anything.  Now, you know the game Gavroche plays with us with the two tin cans and the string?


Enjolras: Yes?

Av: So imagine a glowing device that you can hold, and talk into, and you could speak with Courfeyrac or Bahorel or anyone in Paris.

Enjolras: Well that would be handy because then I could've called Grantaire and checked in to make sure he was actually doing his JOB at the Barriere du Maine.

Av: You could have! You can check in on anyone, anytime, great communication strategy for the barricade.

Enj (getting excited but trying hard not to show it): Ok, let's see it then!

(A/N: Fam! This is the case I have and I highly recommend!  Also, if you don't know the Barriere du Maine scene Enj was talking about, look it up here:

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(A/N: Fam! This is the case I have and I highly recommend!  Also, if you don't know the Barriere du Maine scene Enj was talking about, look it up here:

http://www.online-literature.com/victor_hugo/les_miserables/228/ )

Enjolras: What a strange contraption!

Av: You can hold it in your hand.  It won't hurt you.

Enjolras: *takes phone and almost drops it*

Av: Careful!  This thing here, it's called a screen, and it's quite fragile.

Enjolras: Alright, what do I do?

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