Jehan's Poetry Corner, Part II

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Today is someone's special day (Aire_1832!) and _no_clue had a birthday request for their friend.  I decided on a poem about friendship, and I sincerely hope they both enjoy it :)

~Jehan <3


What is a friend?

Someone who, when you are at your lowest

Sees something is different, and asks what is wrong

Who meets you for brunch, who stays with you, however long

Until you are back on your feet once again, and are ready to take on

Whatever life throws at you next.

That's the funny thing about life -

One moment, you're on one path, then you come across

A fork in the path, and perhaps you choose the one less traveled by,

Not only making all the difference - also showing your strength, but

The one thing those who take the other path don't realize is

You, even when faced with adversity, have your own inner strength,

And backed by your friends, always by your side -

You are unstoppable!

No matter what happens next,

A friend is here for you,

Always will be -

I know you can take on the world, if you wish!

You are a force of nature. Keep faith.


~ The happiest of years ahead, Aire_1832, and a happy day to you today ~

Love from Jehan <3

PS madiwilderdepp I have not forgotten about the flowers ;)

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