T R U T H or D A R E MARATHON!!! Part II

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Author's Note: At the end of this part, all of the participants have been mentioned either in parts I or II, however, I am hoping to write a part III to include everyone's truths and dares, and to include more time with those who had cameo appearances in this part!

~Vive La France~

*Discojolras abruptly ends*

Enjolras: AHEM! Yes, anyway, let us continue with our truth or dare marathon!  I will ask Charlie a question...


Charlie: LET'S GOOOO!  I'm going to go with dare, because why not?!

Enjolras: Do a jig with Grantaire.  This is payback for the grape juice, R.

(Charlie and Grantaire perform a magnificently choreographed Irish jig...)

Amis: HUZZAH!  BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!!!!

Charlie: Ok Enjolras, you're asking for it.  I've been waiting all night for this.

(Charlie grabs Grantaire's bottle and rushes downstairs.  Two minutes later he returns.)

Charlie: Ladies and gentlemen, I have poured all of the wine out of this bottle.

(Enjolras claps, and R shouts "HEY!") 

Charlie: Nonono wait, I am not done yet...

This bottle has one of two substances inside of it: perfume or whisky.  Now Enjolras, please take this bottle, and guess whether it's perfume or whiskey.

Enjolras: .......

Charlie: Confused?  Good.  Now that I've got everyone's attention, I dare you to drink and swallow this whole bottle and tell us if it is perfume or whisky without smelling it.

Enjolras: If it is whiskey, I am spitting it out.

Charlie: I believe I said S W A L L O W.


Enj: OK OK! 

(He takes a hesitant swallow...)

It's....water?  Is this a joke?

Charlie: Only the finest water, coming straight to you from the horse trough outside the Musain.

Charlie: Only the finest water, coming straight to you from the horse trough outside the Musain

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(Enjolras sprints to the bathroom to wash his mouth, bellowing all the way)


(Things calm down in a little bit...and then it is Enjolras's turn again...)

Enjolras: Hm, ok... Gavroche, truth or dare

Gav: I'll go with truth. You guys took a LONG time to get to me.

Enjolras: The citizens would like to know, have you ever hidden anything from Courfeyrac?

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