Chat With Us! List of Characters, Part I

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Hello, mon Amis!  I thought I'd give you a list of Les Amis who are ready to chat with you!  Some other characters outside of Les Amis have still to submit their bios (we can be quite busy here on the barricade) so be patient and soon enough you'll get to know us all.

Keep the questions coming!


                                                                               BARRICADE BOYS!!!

                                                                               BARRICADE BOYS!!!

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"Greetings, citizens!  My name is Enjolras, and I am the leader of Les Amis.  Thank you for coming.  I will try to answer any of your questions to the best of my ability.  And before you ask about Grantaire, let me make it perfectly clear that-"

*Cuts in*   "YOU RANG???  Ladies, gents, those who have yet to make up their minds, BONJOUR!  I am Grantaire

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*Cuts in*   "YOU RANG???  Ladies, gents, those who have yet to make up their minds, BONJOUR!  I am Grantaire.  I cannot wait to tell you all of my deepest secrets.  And Apollo was just about to tell you all how truly dashing I am looking today.  Thank you, kindly.  Care to sit for a drink?  We have a lot to talk about!  I love you already! (Makes smooch noises)"

  Care to sit for a drink?  We have a lot to talk about!  I love you already! (Makes smooch noises)"

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"...ok, then!  Bonjour, amis!  I'm Combeferre, the guide.  I can answer any of your practical questions but I'm also game to sit and read some Rousseau or discuss Robespierre with you.  I think I'd enjoy that very much..."

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