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Bonjour Amis!  'Ferre here.  I'm so excited you all are joining us today for another fun round of Truth or Dare :). This one will be a marathon, since it's been a while!

Let's first welcome all of our new guests to the Musain:

1. C A M I E  is best amis with Enjolras, Combeferre, and Jehan.  She lives next door to Combeferre, and they share a lot of university classes together.  'Ferre has invited her tonight, and after a long day spent studying in the library for their Political Thought class, they are happy to enjoy a fun night at the Musain.


2. E M I and H O L L Y are sisters who live together and rent the apartment next to Grantaire.  And knowing Grantaire, he's VERY nosy with his neighbors and he and Holly have become close friends.  Holly is also close with Joly and Combeferre.  Emi is also good friends with R, as well as Gavroche, and she has found a close companion in Jehan, as they have poetry class together at the university, and he helped show her around when she first arrived.  They are excited to be here tonight.



3. Then there is our new amis who goes by the name of K.  She is one of the smartest in the grade, and she became friends with the amis because she helps them with their homework.  Her closest amis are Marius, Grantaire, Courf, Jehan, and Bahorel, and even Enjolras appreciates her help.  He invited her tonight so he will have someone to talk academics with if things get too crazy.


4. C H A R L I E has just moved into town and they stumbled into the back room of the Musain one day and instantly became good friends with Grantaire and Gavroche.  Charlie's always on the lookout for a fun adventure, and they're also friendly with Jehan and Enjolras.  Today they were invited to play truth or dare by Gavroche, who can never wait too long before another night of fun with his friends.


5. J O H A N N E is Bahorel's younger cousin and she is visiting for the week!  She has heard a lot about Les Amis so she can't wait to meet everyone!  Already, she's had interesting conversations with Combeferre, Jean Prouvaire, and even Enjolras!  Bahorel invited her tonight, but as he usually sits out the Truths and Dares, Johanne has asked him to please participate with her tonight, to which he reluctantly agreed.


And now let's welcome back some old friends! 

1. LILLY has been with us once before, and she is good friends with Courfeyrac, who thinks the world of her.  Lilly always finishes Courf's thoughts for him, and he in turn gets annoyed and gives her noogies.


2. KYLIE has been with us once before, and she is good friends with Marius.  Enjolras is a little scared of her ambition but he thinks she is a good friend and is getting braver about talking with her!


3. CACHE has been with us once before, disguised as a boy.  Now everyone has discovered her true identity, or should I say, her New-Identity ;)  This time she has brought fresh chocolate-chip muffins (vegan ones for Jehan!) and sparkling grape juice (non-alcoholic, to help out R!) as well as hot chocolate for Enj (he doesn't do grape juice :D ) to the meeting.

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