The Questions Are Flying In!

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*Gavroche runs up*  "Letta' frum the barricade!  Wif two questions!  One's for Enjolras!  And the ot'er is for all of us!"

@arabellaPLM asks a question to Enjolras - "After many years the situation in many countries is awful and everything you fought for is disappearing, no liberty, the poor people are more poor every day...what would you do if you were in the 21st century to solve this?"

what would you do if you were in the 21st century to solve this?"

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"Hello there, good citizen!  Thank you for your question.  First of all, I would hardly consider your question 'stupid,' for this is an extremely serious matter on which you are informing me.  I have no way of knowing whether or not what you are telling me is true, because we are living in separate centuries.  However, let me first say this based on what you have just told me - things might seem bad at the present moment but that certainly doesn't mean everything we have fought for has disappeared.  Have there been protests against this system?  If there have been, then there is still liberty.  Liberty will never be gone until there is no one left to fight for it.  As I have said and have said before, in the future there shall be neither darkness nor thunderbolts, neither ferocious ignorance nor blood for blood. As Satar shall be nore more, so Michael shall be no more. In the future no man will slay his fellow, the earth will be radiant, the human race will love. It will come, citizens, that day when all shall be concord, harmony, light, joy, and life; it will come, I can promise you that.  It might not seem right now as if it will ever arrive, but with more help from good citizens like you and your friends, it will come sooner.  You don't have to build a barricade to keep our cause alive.  Start a revolution with your words and thoughts, and express your opinions.  Communicate with your local leaders, start your own Les Amis.  Do well in school, and if you wish, consider studying law, politics, environmental issues, or anything that will help. But now for what I would do...

If I were there in the 21st century, after assessing the situation, I would be finding ways to help to the best of my ability.  I would continue writing my speeches and communicating with the poor.  Like with General Lamarque, I would also continue to find outlets with the bourgeoisie and attempt to reason for better legislation.  Wherever I would be needed most is where I would be.

As for right now, I will be doing whatever I can at the present moment to help the long term, and I will continue to succeed.  For our cause will only will fail if the people stop believing in it.  And you, citizen, certainly seem to believe in us.  I have high hopes for the future - both ours, and yours."


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