Questions for the Patron-Minette!

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@New-Identity has a few questions for Claquesous and Montparnasse:

"Claquesous, will you ever tell the other members of Patron-Minette that you occasionally help out the police?  'Parnasse, how long have you known Gavroche and 'Ponine for?"

Claquesous -

"WHERE'D YOU HEAR THIS, NOW?  Whoever told you - I'll have their head!  Now seriously, me?  With that Javert?  HOW now?  And if I'd to let anything spill, you'd need to give me a little something for my efforts - I've been looking for a nice pocket watch, so if you come across one in silver and gold, we might have a little chat, now, and I might have some surprising information to tell you.  Pay up first, though, mon cherie."


"Hsssh!  If that's true, I'll be telling Master T., Claquesous!  Now, I've known Éponine and Gavroche since they were a little boy and gel.  Now, shall I put this...moved out, so I'll only see that little bugger when trouble's about.  He is quite a funny little chap, but I wouldn't call us friends so much, otherwise Monsieur T. would wring my wrists, fer sore.  But Éponine, she's a fine, pretty gel.  I do wish she'd join us for more of our...outings and stop screamin' her pretty head'off every time that Pontmercy...gets in our way.  Hope I answered."

Bonjour, Amis!  Thank you for your continued support!  Continue sending questions, and if you run out of questions, send us any thoughts you may have - about life in general, or perhaps about our crusade!  We always love hearing from you!  Also, Gavroche has told me to tell you that if you'd like him to play a prank on one of the students, to let him know.  And honestly, I'm quite scared about this...      

We've also been having some technical difficulties with the Patron-Minette, and we sincerely apologize.  Not only did they hijack the blog and change around their answers to the wrong people, but they also deleted their pictures!  When we tried to re-upload the pictures, they wouldn't work.  What do you expect from those rotten scoundrels?  Thanks to New-Identity for their patience :)

Keep the questions/ideas coming!


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