Our Second and Third Questions!

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@New-Identity has a question for Enjolras and one for Gavroche!  Gavroche is ever so excited to have a question from you, and I'm sure Enjolras is too...but he would never say...don't take it personally, we all know he is loving this attention ;)   Also, we have just received word that the Patron Minette have sent in requests to join us, so we hope you continue sending in your questions!  ~Courfeyrac

@New-Identity asks Enjolras: "How many times do you have to tell R to 'put that bottle down'?

@New-Identity asks Enjolras: "How many times do you have to tell R to 'put that bottle down'?

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"Stars above, sometimes it seems as if that man has lost his hearing.  He has been getting sneakier at hiding his drinking from me, which I certainly appreciate, but what he doesn't seem to grasp is that he is only hurting himself.  I can count on two hands within the past three days that I have had to remind him of this.  Sometimes, however, I find that I need to physically grab the bottles out of his hands, which is never fun...I hope this answers your question."

***Courfeyrac jumps in*** 

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***Courfeyrac jumps in*** 

"E, you realize it's been in the hundreds...to be honest, now it's in the thousands...I've been keeping a tally and so far, I've counted 2,460.1 times..."  :)

@New-Identity also asked Gavroche about his latest adventure:

"Hallo!  Thanks for askin'!  I'm reel proud'o this one!  (An' please mind the spellin' an' grammr

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"Hallo!  Thanks for askin'!  I'm reel proud'o this one!  (An' please mind the spellin' an' grammr... I'm tryin'...)

So there wos a stray cat tha' foun' his way onto the barricade!  Black fur, with yellow eyes!  L'aigle screamed, sayin' it wos all bad luck'n'all, but I chase it down the street an' capture it wif' my bare hands!!!  The cat wos hissin' an' scratchin', so I had to let 'er go, but I still chased 'er down the next street!  She led me too this creepy alleyway, an' who wos there but me buddy Montparnasse!  Turn's out it his cat!  I tell him to set 'er loose again while L'aigle wos sleepin'...we will see if he dos it.  So I'd say me adventure turn out well...although I still got'a wee scratch mark from the bugger..."

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