A New Set of Questions!

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Bonjour, amis, our final examinations have been completed and we are awaiting our grades :/

Now we have time to answer more of your questions!


@enjolras_marius has several questions for us:


(R is reading this question aloud to Enjolras and can't stop laughing....Enjolras makes him leave and is feeling the meme shown above)

"...I don't believe we have ever met before.  While I appreciate your support very much, I do not believe I even know you.  If you can come join us on the barricade, I might become your acquaintance once I have met you and once I know that I can trust you.  However, let me make one thing perfectly clear - I am not here for love.  I am here to better the lives of the people through my activism.  I have no time for love.  But we would greatly appreciate your help on the barricade!"

"Oof, tough one from Enjolras!  Never fear, he turns down us all.  And I know there's plenty of us lonely souls who are looking for a barricade buddy for life ;) ...just sayin'..."   ~R~

Next question:


"Stars above, why is everyone asking about Éponine?!  She is like a sister to me, she is the flag to my barricade

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"Stars above, why is everyone asking about Éponine?!  She is like a sister to me, she is the flag to my barricade... (Jehan is laughing) I never said I was good at poetry!  She is my best friend and I don't know what I would ever do without her!  She is my sister.

But my Cosette is my other half, my one true love.  So in truth, I can't answer your question.  I am not choosing one over the other, I could never do that.  One is my spirit of life, one is my shoulder to lean on.  The true love I feel for Cosette is a very different love than the one I feel for Éponine, which is a sisterly love.  But I love them both dearly."

Next question:

"Courfeyrac, where did you meet Gavroche?"

"Ahh, wonderful question!  Enjolras had sent me out scouting for good places to have our next rally and I was passing by the elephant when I heard someone yell down

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"Ahh, wonderful question!  Enjolras had sent me out scouting for good places to have our next rally and I was passing by the elephant when I heard someone yell down."

"Courf, I wos yellin' watchoo doin' down there?!"

"Yes, you were, and I got scared..."

"you thought u heard a ghost an' you jumped about six feet straight up!"

"Well, maybe not that high, Gavroche, but I was pretty scared stiff.  Then he goes 'up here!' and I saw his little face peeping out at me.  I started laughing, and I was sayin' come down, little guy, help me find a place where my friends and I can make some speeches against the monarchy."

"An' I says, now you're talking!!!!  An' then I jumps down an' I comes runnin' over to him an' I says, first, the propers!  My name's Gavroche!"

"And of course, I introduced myself as Courfeyrac, and Gavroche couldn't pronounce it right, so that's how I became known as 'Courf.  We found the podium next to the elephant where Enj could make his speeches, and then Gav begged me to take him to the meeting.  Enjolras was angry at first, per the norm, but once they met Gav, he became one of the family.  I officially adopted him, and tried to get him to live with me but he couldn't sleep in a real bed, he wanted the elephant.  But we spend time together every day..."

"An' we aren't sick'o each offer yet!"

"That's right, Gav."


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