Jehan's Rise to Fame

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"Jehan is very excited to be receiving so many questions!"

@New-Identity wants to know how many poems Jehan has written and if he has another poem he can share!

Ah, mademoiselle, I have composed so many I can hardly keep count!  Ahhh there is never a bad time to write a poem

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Ah, mademoiselle, I have composed so many I can hardly keep count!  Ahhh there is never a bad time to write a poem.  Many of them are written on scraps of parchment which pile up in my apartment but countless others are composed and kept in my head - like this one, which I wrote for you:

'Tis spring, I hear a multitude of sounds today

We are outside, lying in a field in the park.  'Tis May,

We try to relax, but sometimes our chief in red feels he

Needs to bring his work with him, you see

He passes out pamphlets to anyone who will listen to him

While R, Feuilly, and Lesgles play dominoes on the lawn, and as if on a whim

Others take naps, and others just relax and talk.  Gavroche spies a hawk

Flying through the air, and then there's me - your ami Jehan Prouvaire

Composing this poem in my head for you.  I hoped you liked finding out what we do

On a sunny May afternoon.

@New-Identity also has a letter for Jehan!

Dear Jehan,

Your poetry is wonderful as is your braiding.

I was looking for your opinion on one of my new poems called 'Let the Youth Run Wild'.

(I have attached the link so that I have more space to continue writing... )

I was also wondering if you could be any animal, mythical and real, what would you be?

From New-Identity.

Hello again, mon ami!  I am writing to you from the same field, and not much has changed in the past few minutes

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Hello again, mon ami!  I am writing to you from the same field, and not much has changed in the past few minutes.  R is trying to get Enjolras to play dominoes with them.  I'm not sure how that will work...

First of all, I am thrilled to hear that you are writing poetry!  I can tell you put a lot of emotion into that piece and it appears that that you are  combining your political beliefs into your poems...that is something I should start doing more!  

To all of my new amis, I would love to read your poetry.  I did enjoy yours, New Identity, and I hope you continue.

Secondly, if I could be a mythical animal I see myself as a brownie of the lake.  They are a type French mythological creature which can transform into different animals, and I do like reading about them.  You can read the story below and find out more.

As far as a real animal, I think perhaps a sparrow, or a meadowlark.  Or perhaps a mourning dove.

@Aire_1832 asks "What is your favourite flower and type of braid?"

@Aire_1832 asks "What is your favourite flower and type of braid?"

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I do enjoy orchids, and lilies of the valley.  And daisies.  And Johnny Jump-Ups.  Oh, it is so hard to choose.  Marigolds it is then.

And for a favorite type of braid, I do try and stay patriotic

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And for a favorite type of braid, I do try and stay patriotic.  I love French braids :)

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