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The next school day was something that Bethany wished never came. The day was something that Bethany knew that Bella will become suspicious since now that Edward is back. "You better have a good excuse to tell her." Bethany tells him. "We can't have her knowing."

"I have an excuse thought of."

"Okay." Bethany said as she walked away.

Edward looked at Emmett as he shrugged knowing he won't go against Bethany. Sighing, Edward just hopes that his excuse works. Bethany smiled as she saw Emmett and kissed him. "I'll see you there."

"Okay." Emmett said.

"Lets go, Alice."
School was going by fast. They had no nosy human watching them at lunch and Bethany Hale was in a better mood. Emmett was happy that she was in a good mood as she didn't have nothing to stress over. "Emmett."


"Can we go see Rosalie this weekend or soon?" Bethany asked. "I just need to see my big sister."

"Of course darling."

The others understood as Bethany really missed her sister. The stories she told about Rosalie and how she was glad that Rosalie got to live the dream she wanted. Bethany wished to have the same life, but she wouldn't trade the life she's got for anything because she has the person she loves by her side. Emmett. "Bethany, if you don't mind, can we go?"

"I don't mind." Bethany said. "I think she should know that I have friends that are with me instead of Emmett."

They nodded as they know how important this is to Bethany. The bell rang causing them all to walk off to class and stopped. Emmett kissed her head making her look up at him. "I have a surprise for you tonight."

"Mmm. What kind of surprise?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." Emmett tells her making Bethany smile.
Bethany walked by Edward as the school day ended and heard Bella asking him questions. The blonde rolled her eyes and walked off to her car as she was ready to snap. She wanted Edward to try and get Bella's mind off of his disappearance. "Babe?" She heard Emmett say as she got to him. "What's wrong?"

"He's excuse didn't work." Bethany said as she saw Edward. "Is she that hard to persuade?"

"Yes." Edward replies. "I tried my best to get her to believe me, but she didn't."

Bethany sighed as she knew they were going to have some problems. She heard a vehicle and looked to see Tyler's van. "Don't...' before she could finish her sentence Edward made the mistake of screwing up. He showed Bella that he was not human. "He is dead meat."
At the hospital, Bethany glared at Edward. "You know how I feel about this. I have told you over and over that she should not know." Bethany tells him. "Now we're in danger."

Carlisle walked over to her and saw Bella. "Lets take this in my office."

Bethany followed Carlisle and sighed. "I don't think she should know. I rather see her have a human life with the idea of having a family and growing old."

"You're thinking of your sister."

"No. For once, I'm thinking of myself." Bethany sighed as she sat down. "I don't regret the life I have, but there is a part of me that would love to have children with Emmett and watch them grow up."

"Bethany, I know that's how you feel, but she belongs with Edward." Carlisle tells her. "I can't tell you to keep your thoughts to yourself. Just let Edward know how you feel about this and when the time comes, tell Bella in hopes she will make a good decision herself."

Bethany nodded as Carlisle was right. She can point out a lot of things towards the human and Edward, but she won't make someone's choice for them. Hopefully her decision gets through to them.
Emmett smiled as he saw Bethany and kissed her. "I heard." He said. "If it was possible, I would love to have children with you." Bethany smiled. "As long as your happy thats all I want."

"I am happy." She tells him. "I have you."

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