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Alice smiled as she watched Jasper with Cara. Bethany heard her daughter laughing and looked at Emmett. "Alice, are you here?" She asked.

"Yes." She said as she skipped into the room. "We're all here, minus Edward."

Bethany smiled as she walked over to her best friend and hugged her. "I missed you." She said as Emmett saw Jasper holding Cara. "Where's Esme and Carlisle?"

"We're here." Esme said. "Just getting the things we got Cara."

Bethany looked at Emmett as their family was almost whole once again. For once, the blonde missed the annoying mind reader and the desperate human. Emmett walked over and kissed her head as he walked with Jasper. The women shook their heads. "Men."
Emmett walked over to Bethany and kissed her head. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel like everything is almost back to normal." She tells him as she looked at Emmett. "We have Cara, are family is almost back together, but the one thing that is missing is Forks." She put her arms around his neck. "I love it here, but Forks is where we belong. Edward isn't the same without Bella being by our side."

"I know." He said kissing her head. "At least you came around for Bella."

"Not really, but I realized that I have no say so. Bella has a choice and if she wants to be one of us. Then so be it, but I won't be too happy about it."

Emmett smiled. "Baby, don't worry about it. At least you can say you are willing to give Bella that chance."

Alice smiled as Bethany was starting to warm up to Bella, but she couldn't tell how Bella was at the moment as every time she tries, she can't see her. There were days her visions will go from Bella to Cara, who will be turned before Bethany and Emmett get the chance to do so. Cara Cullen will touch everyone's hearts in Mystic Falls. Just like she has them.

Emmett walked over and picked Cara up. "Beth, let's do the same routine."

"What do you three do?" Jasper asked curious.

"One, we go for a stroll, two, play with Cara till she decides it's time to quit and finally, I like to cuddle with my wife or we'll be in the bed." Jasper shuddered in disgust causing Emmett to bust out laughing. "Shouldn't have asked."

"You don't mind us joining you?" Esme asked. "I would like to be with two of my children."

"We don't mind." Bethany said as she walked in. "It would be refreshing to have you guys with us."

Esme smiled as she grabbed the diaper bag. Carlisle watched as Esme and Alice left leaving Carlisle and Jasper behind. "What's wrong?"

"Alice keeps seeing Cara's future." He said as Jasper nodded. "Is there more to that kind of vampirism?"

Jasper shrugged as he didn't really know. "I can ask Peter and see if he knows anything about that kind." He said. "I'm sure Bethany and Emmett will be worried enough as it is."

"Once they learn more about the night walkers." Carlisle says as Alice walked in.

"Are you two coming?"

"Yes." They replied.

Alice smiled as they all left the house. Bethany smiled as Esme pushed the stroller. Emmett had his arm linked with Bethany's as they walked side by side talking to each of their family. Cara cooed causing them to smile. The Cullens were close to going home. They just need to wait for Edward.

Sorry the chapter is short.

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