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Bethany smiled as she walked downstairs after laying Cara down. Today, Bella Swan was on her way to meet everyone. She sighed as she had no other choice. This was a way for her to know more on her daughter. "Baby?" She looked at Emmett. "Cara has another family. Her aunt just had a little girl named Caroline Forbes."

"Really?" Bethany smiled as she looked at her daughter. "I would love to see Cara know her other family."

"Me too." He said. 'It's something Cara's birth mother would want us to do."

Bethany smiled as she kissed her little girls head. "Mommy and daddy loves you." She said as Emmett kissed Cara's head.

"See you when you wake up, princess."
Bethany held the bowl as they talked about Bella. Her mind was on her daughter casing Emmett to kiss her head. "Baby, I know you are listening for her, but that girl sleeps like a rock."

"She may not been biologically mine, but she does sleep like I used to." Bethany tells them. "I wouldn't wake up till 1pm unless someone woke me up."

Emmett chuckled. "I bet you were."

"Hush." She said as her nose caught the scent of the human. "Here comes the human."

Emmett continued to chop as Bethany held the bowl. They didn't say a word as Edward spoke till Bethany heard Bella say she wasn't hungry causing her to break the bowl. Bella and Edward looked at Bethany as she stood beside Emmett. "Just a waste." She said as she looked at Bella with a glare. "You don't know what dangers you put my family in."

"I won't tell anyone."

"You don't get it." She said. "I have a human daughter upstairs who will grow up knowing the truth and because of you, you put her in danger for knowing."

Emmett went to say something, but Bethany was already gone. No one said a word as they knew she was right. Cara's life is in danger because another human learnt what they were as they wanted to talk to Cara into being like them. Now Bella may have put Cara in danger.
Bethany stood near the door smiling as Emmett held Cara. Alice hugged her from behind smiling. "You know that she will still be like us, but a different species."

"You said the ripper is who she would be with." Alice nodded. "Their kind compels memories away, but something about the ripper being with Cara doesn't have me worried."

"You shouldn't." She said as she walked with Bethany. "They don't start dating right away, but how Cara is turned is something that will have you and Emmett there in a heart beat."

Bethany knew that the only way the other species are turned is by dying with vampire blood in their system. The blonde looked at her daughter and wondered who's blood she would have in her system and what kills her. "Till that day comes, we will keep her safe the best we can." Bethany said as Emmett walked over to her after laying Cara down.

"We will explain everything when she is fifteen or sixteen." Emmett said. "But if the Volturi gets a word about her, we can send her to her aunt and cousin. For now, lets focus on now instead of later."

Bethany looked up at him smiling. "I love you, my monkey man." She tells him as he kissed her head.

"I love you, blondie."

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