twenty one

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Bethany knew that everything was fine when they were in Mystic Falls. It was agreed by Liz that Cara can come to her if the Volturi gets wind of Cara being human. The one thing Bethany and Emmett doesn't want happening. They hope to stay together as a family, but knew that one day, they would send her out to keep her safe. "Baby, don't think about it."

"I can't help it. One day we will be separated from our daughter, but I know she would want to spend some time with humans too." She sighed. "I wish my sister was here. She would have smacked me."

"And she will be one dead sister."

Bethany put her arms around his neck. "Emmett, what is next for us?"

Emmett leaned down and kissed her. "Whatever the future holds, we will do this together."

"I love you."

"And I love you."
"Alice, I don't know about all this. With Edward and Bella being back together. I don't think that me and Emmett will be coming home." She says. "We enjoy the drama free life."

"I know, but you two have too."

"No, we don't." Emmett says. "Just because you forced some of us to meet Bella doesn't make you our boss." Bethany looked at him shocked. "Sometime's I wonder if you are Edward's mate. Not once have you thought of Jasper. Jasper doesn't even want Bella around."

Bethany didn't say a word as the call ended. "You pissed her off."

"Truth is the truth."

"I know." She tells him as they heard Cara. "I got her."

"We got her."

Bethany smiled as she followed her husband. She couldn't get what Emmett said. Alice acts just like Edward and never once put Jasper's feelings first. There were times Jasper would talk to her about how he feels like Alice doesn't love him anymore. Especially since, Bella Swan came into their lives. If she didn't, Alice would be focused on Jasper not on some desperate human who wants a vampire's life.

"Baby?" She looked to see her husband and daughter. "What's wrong?"

"What you said had me thinking. Jasper does feel like Alice doesn't love him anymore." She said walking over to them.


Emmett and Bethany both stared at their daughter shocked. "Well, hell... ow!" Emmett cried out as Bethany smacked him. "Say...dada."


"That's my little girl." He says smiling.

"You were right." She tells him. "If we go back, we will feel like we have been forced." She smiled as Cara reached out to her. "Maybe we should have Jasper come stay with us till Alice sees what she is doing to him."

"I think that would be a good plan." Emmett says. "Lesson learned."

Bethany heard a knock causing her to look at Emmett as they knew Liz and Caroline were here to see Cara.

So, I have been doing a lot of thinking and may end this story soon. Should I do the battle with the newborns or not. Till next time.

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