Chapter eighteen

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The beige gobble stones meet me as I walk up to the gigantic house. The cracks are slightly visible in the most of them. With the hours I've been gone, I'm certain Callister and Damiano will be up. If they're still home, that is. You would know if you would've just brought your phone. I slightly regret not bringing it with me, music would have made a good distraction. I hum a light tone to myself. I hate it when it's all silent. You hate it when it's loud. Well- Yeah, that too.

The beautiful house greets me as I near the enormous door. It's pretty obvious that they have these big jobs, otherwise they could never afford it. Now that I think about it, I really don't know what they do. I mean, it can't be as bad as Dante's. But still, note to self to ask them later.

A feeling of sadness washes over me as I think of the muscled man that makes my heartbeat. Made. Never ever will I go back to him. He just hurt me way too much for that. I wish I could tell myself that it doesn't hurt. Are all the guys like him? What if they are? I don't want to undergo this heartache every time a guy cheats on me. Is it even cheating if he has a girlfriend already and I'm the side piece? Oh my God, that means I'm the bad guy in this story. Poor girl. He cheated on her with me. I'm the other woman.

I think I'm becoming sick. He cheated on her, with me. He said that we were boyfriend and girlfriend though, but he obviously knew her longer. I hope she isn't mad at me. Maybe I should text Jemila today, ask her. Yeah, I nod to myself. She owes me an explanation, so she will definitely tell me. Not that I'm not still mad at her, I am, but she is not the one that hurt me most. That spot is forever reserved for Dante.

I really wish I had someone to talk to right now. I envy those girls in movies that group-call each other and complain about their lives. I want that. Just complaining about everything wrong in live, while it probably is just the fact that their shirt is in the wrong colour or their hair is not shiny enough. Oh well, at least I got a job now. Maybe I will learn how to talk to people there and then I can group-call with them. I doubt Tisha would want that; she doesn't really seem the type to do so. Plus, she's way older than I am. I giggle at the thought of us Facetiming.

Tisha is pretty nice, although, buff men like Archie scare me. At a certain point, he seemed pretty kind, but still really scary. I mean, he can probably murder me, and nobody will know. Him and his friends looked intimidating enough. But let's not think that way. People can be nice; they just don't show it all the time. I think he just needs to feel comfortable with me first, seeing as I did just kind of burst in his bar like that.

Finally, after walking that terribly long driveway, I reach the blue door. Fingers crossed they're home, because I literally have no clue how to get in. I knock on the surface three times. Not even a second later, I'm harshly pulled inside. What the-? "You sneaky little bitch, you really thought we wouldn't find out?" a furious Callister yells in my face. The crease between his brows deepens as I look into his eyes. What is he talking about?

"W-What do you mean?" I shakily ask. His fingers dig deep into my arm. A scoff is heard from behind him. Damiano?Callister grabs me by my neck, tightening his hold and pushing me against the wall. "Don't bother playing dumb, you dirty whore," Callister snarls. Tears prickle at my eyes. "I-I don't understand, please." My eyes search for Damiano, who hopefully will tell me what's going on. But instead of the kind look I was searching for; I'm met by a set of cold eyes.

"Please, Damiano. W-What did I do?" I sob. Callister's hands are still gripping onto my neck, making sure to leave prints. They scare me. I thought they were different, that they were nice. The man that just saved me is now the man that endangers me, threatens me. Callister tightens his hold on me, cutting off some of my air supply. I gulp for air as Damiano starts talking.

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