Chapter nine

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"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

Dante just carried me to the kitchen, seeing as we totally forgot to grab something to eat when we ran into Gio before. Luca is seated in front of me, reading the paper with a cup of hot, steaming coffee next to him. Dante is at the stove, making me some eggs. "Dante, can I ask you something?", I ask. The beautiful man turns around to look at me. "Yes, tesoro. You can ask me anything."

"I eh... I want to go back to school tomorrow", I stammer. Luca immediately puts the paper down and shakes his head while smirking knowingly. Dante on the other hand still has an unreadable face, but the way he speaks says it all. "No." A pout forms on my face, "but I'm missing way too much information already and have had zero chance of meeting new people".
It's not like they are capable of kidnapping me in the middle of a hundred people at school anyway.

"You have met three new people, two of them with whom you are talking right now and the other one is cooling his bruised face a few rooms away", he says while clenching his jaw.

I look at Luca with pleading eyes.
"Sorry little one, but I have to side with Dante on this. It is way too dangerous for you to be there right now", he gives me a pitying look. A frown settles itself on my face. How unfair.

"Can I at least go next week?", I plead. Dante sighs and hugs me from behind. "Listen baby, I wish that I could let you go. Believe me, I do. Me and my men are solving the problem, if it's solved you can go to school. Can you live with that?", he speaks softly. I turn around, "how long will that take?".
Dante shrugs, "probably a few days".
I nod my head, "okay, I can live with that".
Dante ruffles my hair and goes back to his cooking.

I turn to Luca again, who winks at me while looking between me and Dante. A crimson blush forms on my cheeks, and I look away. Luca let's out a chuckle.
"So, what is it that you like to do in you spare time little one?", Luca asks. I shrug my shoulders, "not much. Mostly reading, watching movies, being outside".
I look him in the eye again and see him nodding his head in an understanding manner. "Ah, now I see why you and Gio go along well", Luca smiles.
"Yeah, well that fucker isn't coming anywhere near you in the next few days", Dante mumbles under his breath.
A pout is set on my face, I like Gio.

"L-Luca?", I stutter his name questionably. "Yes, little one."
"How old are you? If you don't mind me asking", I speak timidly. "Twenty-three", he answers. My eyes grow big. "That's old", I whisper. As soon as it comes out my hands cover my mouth, and my eyes grow wide. Oh God, I am so rude. To people with guns especially. What if he shoots me someday because I asked the wrong thing? I am shaken out of my thoughts by booming laughter.
"Well, thank you for the compliment little one. But maybe you should ask your boyfriend over there how old he is", he smirks. "Sorry", I squeak.

"I'm twenty-four years old, tesoro. Does that make me an old man?", Dante suddenly whispers in my ear. I jump a little by surprise, "n-no, I didn't mean it like that. Sorry". The two deadly men chuckle and Dante ruffles my hear. "You have nothing to be sorry about tesoro." A breath escapes my lips.
"So, when is your birthday little one?", Luca asks.
"In about one week", I hum. I don't really celebrate it though, mostly because there is no one to celebrate with.

"Do you have any plans already, baby?", Dante asks. I shake my head, "I don't really celebrate it".
"Well, keep the day free. I am throwing you a birthday party", he states. I furrow my eyebrows, "Dante, that is very sweet but unnecessary. I uh- I don't have anyone to come". Luca scoffs, "a sweet, beautiful girl like you has no one that wants to be friends with her? I don't believe that". "Luca, shut your fucking mouth", Dante demands. He turns to me, "baby, I want to throw you the party. I will invite a few people your age, that way you can make friends there".

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