Chapter Seven: You Never Loved Me, Sherlock.

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How low can I go? Crying over a man who I wasn't even with. I am with someone who is wonderful, caring but he may not love me. I got myself up from the floor; I looked at myself in the mirror to see my make up ruined, my eyes red.

I turned on the water to rinsed myself off. I stared at the sink watching my make up went down the drain. "What has gotten into you, Olivia?" I dried myself off and headed back to the cabin. As I walked in I saw John reading the files, studying the case. I did not betray him though, I did nothing wrong. I did the right thing and came back to John, right?

I saw John look up at me and gave me that sweet smile of his, "Olivia, where's your food?" I sat down next to him and he grabbed my hand.

I pressed my lip together, looking away from him, "They were closed, dear." Why was I so awkward with him? I wasn't suppose to hear that conversation he had with Sherlock but now that I know that he may not love me; I feel like I shouldn't be in this relationship. Then again who knows if they love one another, you start dating to find out if you do.

"You may want to catch some sleep, my love. You have had an adventurous day." He gave me that same boyish smile that I fell for in the first place. He placed his hand on my cheek to ease the pain away. I placed my hand on his and smiled back, "I am a bit tired."

John removed the files from his lap and motioned me to go there. I placed my head down, as I gazed into his eyes; I felt something. Something that I felt with Sherlock. I felt my cheeks getting rosy as he bent down to kiss me. "Goodnight, love. I will wake you when we arrive." I closed my eyes to just turn my face into his stomach to fall asleep in comfort to know he was there.


"Olivia, dear," I heard faintly while be shaken awake, "Olivia, love, next stop is ours." I got up and looked around, John was getting the things and what was odd was; there was no Sherlock in site. "Where is Mr. Holmes?" I asked softly, looking up at John. He pressed his lips together and brought our bags down.

"He left the same time you did but never returned. Don't worry though, knowing him, he will meet us back at the hotel." He helped me up as we headed towards the doors, "He always knows where I am." Or rather, where I am.

As we got off the train, Dublin was just breath taking. It was more country than London was. It was unspeakably cute. As I walked out with John, hand in hand, I could remove the smile off my face. I turned to look at John but he already was looking at me, "You are just so adorable." I gave him a light kiss as we walked down to get to our hotel.

As soon we got into our room, I tried to settle in and made it our temporary home. I didn't know how long we are going to be here; a week, months? Knowing Sherlock, it was going to be a short while but then again; his mind may not be in it after all. I started to let my hair down, staring at myself in the mirror; I gazed up to see John looking up at me.

"You are just so beautiful." He smiled, comings towards me. He leaned back my head to give me a long and loving kiss; smiling at me, "How did I get so lucky?" I smiled back at John; he helped me get my corset off while I was getting myself ready for bed. I climbed into bed with John and got close to his chest, he played with my hair and rubbed my neck.

"I'm sorry you have to wait here until we finish the case, Olivia." John sighed; I traced his chest lightly with my finger.

"John, don't worry." I looked up at him, to see him looking so concerned at me, "As long as I am with you, I'm fine." I gave him a light kiss and shut my eyes. "Good night, John."

"Goodnight, love."

My eyes were wide-awake: I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning but nothing. I hate overthinking things at night; he was still in my head, the man I can't have. I got out of bed and placed John's jacket on me while I took a walk around the hotel. I went over to the front desk, "Excuse me?" A small lady looked at me.

"Is everything okay, dear?" She scattered around her desk and I waved my hands in front of me.

"Everything is wonderful! I was just wondering if Mr. Holmes have checked in." I questioned, leaning over her desk, being very impatient. Why was I worried about him? He's probably asleep; I mean it was a long train ride.

"Yes, dear, he checked in just a moment ago." What? It has to be one in the morning, "He just went down that hall with a woman." A woman.

I walked down where the lady pointed to see a silhouette of a man with a woman all over him: it had to be Sherlock. "Mr. Holmes?" I called out to him, picking up my pace. I saw that he was confused at first and continued walking.

I stopped in my tracks and I watched as the two disappeared into the dark, "I guess that wasn't him." I spoke softly to myself.

"Ms. Teller," I jumped in fear as I turned to see myself looking right into Sherlock's eyes, "Why are you out so late?" I saw the woman pouting and looking up at Sherlock. Her arms wrapped around him, holding onto him closer after making eye contact with me.

"Just out for a walk," I readjust John's jacket on me, giving him a small yet weak smile, "I couldn't sleep."

"Shirley," The girl cried out, pulling on Sherlock's collar, he raised his eyebrows but still not breaking his eye contact with me, "Who is that?" She spat towards me. I winced when she spoke that question towards me.

"That," He gave me no smile at all, his eyes looked dead; like he had no emotions for me, "Is Dr. Watson's lady, Ms. Olivia Teller." He stared at me with such disappointment and continued down the hall to go to his room, but before I was too far from him, I could hear faintly, "She is nothing more than an acquaintance."

I could hear the woman's laughter faintly as their footsteps had gotten more quietly.

I just stood there, in shock could see that my vision was already was getting blurred. Why was I standing there? Why could I not move and go back to bed with John? Instead, I was just there, John's jacket finally fell from my shoulder's while I fell to my knees. I couldn't help but let it all out, the pain that my heart felt could bare no more as the only thought that ran through my mind was: I thought you loved me, Sherlock.


I am so sorry that I am sucking at the moment as an author. I am getting stuck on this story but hopefully this was bearable. :/ If you have input for this story by all means please message me; not on the story but like one on one...somehow. But thank you for being patient. I hope it was all right D:

Am I The One That Got Away, Dear Sherlock?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora