Chapter Twenty: Only Time Will Tell, Sherlock.

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 "Tell me, Olivia." Sherlock demanded. His arms were crossed as his eyes were piercing through me; staring at me what had to feel like hours. We made it on the first train to Paris as I knew it was going to be one long trip as I was told it was going to be at least six to seven hours.. John was off, getting drinks to celebrate us getting back together and being engaged again. Yet, I was stuck with Sherlock.

"Is he threatening you?" He asked me, leaning a bit; having his arms rest on his legs, "Does he have your family?"

"Mr. Holmes," I told him, I turned to look out the window, "Please stop." At the corner of my eye, I could see his face turn into discomfort that he wasn't pleased in what he was hearing. "I told you. Moriarty has nothing to do what happened between us."

"What have I told you about lying to me," He gave me a smile, which just caused my heart to beat faster, "It's not possible to lie to me." I tried to look away as I knew if I stared at him any longer, I would want to tell him everything. That Moriarty was behind on my actions, that he wanted me to lure Sherlock to him and that night wasn't a mistake. "Now, tell me again, did Moriarty make you do this?" He went to reach for my hands but I quickly moved them away.

I took in a deep breath, shutting my eyes, "No." I heard Sherlock let out a sigh as I see him rubbing his head out in frustration. I looked off towards the door; hoping John would already return, "If that night meant anything to you, then I'm sorry." I turned to face him, my heart was growing heavy, "But it was a mistake on my behalf."

I felt my head being turned as I was forced to look into his eyes. I felt my cheeks flush with color as I pressed my lips together, "Don't act like you were pretending, Olivia. I know you enjoyed every minute of it as much as I did because we did what two people do when they are in love." I swatted his hand away as I then went through my purse. I pulled out my mirror, checking my make up.

"You're mistaken." I said, closing the compact mirror, "I don't love anyone else but John." I got up, opening the door to look on both sides, sighing, "Where could he be?" I mutted, closing the door. I turn to see Sherlock in front of me, placing his hands on both sides of me. He starts to lean forward but I raised my hand, covering his mouth to stop him. "That's inappropriate, Mr. Holmes. I am a taken woman."

Sherlock pulled my hand away giving me that devilish grin of his, the one that made me weak to my knees, "Now that. That was a lie, Ms. Teller."

He leaned in once more but my vision soon went black as the train entered a tunnel. I heard the door open as I was felt a hand grab onto my arm. I had a cloth covering my mouth, muffling my screams. I was pulled out, being dragged away to other car.

"Olivia!" I heard Sherlock yell but it was soon dying out. I was being dragged along the halls of the train, with me trying to wiggle my way out through the darkness. As we left the tunnel and light entered, I stood in front of that evil man.

"I told him nothing." I flatly said, crossing my arms. He gave me a smirk, sending a chill down my spine.

"Oh, I know, dear." His grin grew as he took a puff of his pipe. I felt my body tighten as I took in a deep breath.

"Then why am I here?" I spat at him. I look over to see a different man was with him. It wasn't Jorge but I wasn't complaining. He looked a little worn, had some wrinkles to him. He had a brownish bread covering the lower half of his face. "New henchman?"

The man gave me a smile, one that sent my stomach to drop. "Ms. Teller, this is Sebastian Moran." Moriarty said, pointing to the man. "He will be watching you."

"Watching me?" I questioned, dropping my arms to rest on my sides; having my hands ball into fists, "I don't need to be watched!" My voiced raised but I was pushed against the door, having my mouth covered once more. A small yelp escaped as the handle banged into my spine.

"Be quiet, you bitch." Sebastian growled at me. I went to knee him but he got in between my legs. He gave me a smirk, bending closer to my ear, "Jorge told me how much you like one in between your legs. If you do as you're told, maybe I will reward you."

I shove Sebastian away from me as I gripped onto the door, yet froze, "You may want to find cover soon, Ms. Teller." He coolly said, I stared at him with my mouth slightly ajar, "I have a feeling this ride will soon take a turn for the worst."

I left the car, walking down the hall to go back to my own. I went in to see John, already a drink in. He spots me, placing his glass down; getting up to give me a kiss. "There you are, love," he smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist, " When I came back, you nor Holmes were here.

"I had to freshen up," I smiled, playing with his hair, "I must always look perfect for you."

"Trust me, Ms. Teller," John smiles, bringing his face closer for another kiss, "I've already seen all of you. No matter what state you're in, you're always perfect to me." John bends down, placing kisses all over my neck causing me to laugh.

"John!" I giggled, falling a little only to have him hold me tighter, "We can't! Not here!"

John pulls away, having a boyish grin plastered on his face, "I know, dear. Once we're in the hotel, though...I do have to make up for four months."

We heard a cough coming from behind me, interrupting our moment. I turn to see Sherlock standing in the door. He frowned while looking down at us, "Must you do that in public, Watson?" He questioned us. We moved to sit in our seats as Sherlock moved into our car.

"You're right, Holmes. It was inappropriate...Dear God, Holmes. What are you doing?" John sighed as Sherlock was lying on the floor, having his hands on his chest. He turned his head, facing towards us.

"Care to join me?" He simply said.

"Holmes, are you going mad?" John rebutted. Sherlock reached out, grabbing my wrist; pulling me down onto him. My hands rested on his chest as I felt his steady heartbeat against my hands. I heard John let out a sigh as he got down on the floor with us. It was a snug fit as my body was being pressed against Sherlock's more and more. "Now tell me why we are here." John asked once more.

Sherlock took out his pocket watch, looking at the time. I felt his hand push down on my head as my face went more into his chest. He pulled a small gun out of his coat, handing it over to John, "At the right moment. Fire." He simply said. Before John could question him, I just heard a gunfire being fired. Sherlock covered my face, as wood chips were flying everywhere and the sound of the bullets hitting were going off. This had to be Moriarty's doing, his warning to me.

It sounded as if the gun stopped, I felt John's arm rest on my back as I took a quick glance to see him aiming the gun. "Make it count!" Sherlock yelled as John pulled the trigger. Nothing. The gunfire returned as we kept covering ourselves. The car shook and soon smoke consumed the car that we were in; Sherlock placed a handkerchief over my mouth, just like when we first met.

"Well done, Watson!" Sherlock exclaims, releasing me as he stood, waving his hand to clear the air. John helped me up as I went to open the window, sticking my head out to see that the end of the train was gone. I looked off to the other side to see Sebastian grinning at me, tipping his hat off. I got back in quickly as I turned to see John patting himself down, "What was that all about?" John yelled looking at Sherlock.

"Seems we weren't alone on this train." Sherlock explained, making his gaze towards me. I handed back his handkerchief as I knew my breath was getting shaky. Sherlock didn't take his eyes off of me, he kept staring at me so intensely that it made me feel sick, "It seems our lead is correct. Moriarty is going to attack at Paris." I felt my stomach drop as John rested a hand on my lower back, rubbing it slightly.

"Is Olivia going to be safe?" John questions his partner.

"Only time will tell, Watson." Sherlock said so coldly.

Indeed, Sherlock. Only time will tell whether I will live or die; all because of you.



Sorry for the long update. I am currently trying to renew my contract here in Japan. I been applying to other jobs. Until my company tells me if I can stay or not; I'm rather stress. To pass time thought, I did finish writing this story but problem is I wrote it starting at a different point. So I am trying to reach that point to where I started writing then updates will come more and more. So sorry again!

Am I The One That Got Away, Dear Sherlock?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora