Chapter Two: Could You Repeat That, Holmes.

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I started to walk away, placing the strains of hair back into place. "That," I looked back at his door before I headed to the stairs, "Was interesting." I started to go own and bumped into Mrs. Hudson.

"Ms. Teller, is everything okay? I heard a shot coming from Mr. Holmes room!" She had both her hands by her chest, worry was all over her face.

"Everything is fine Mrs. Hudson. Mr. Holmes, what I am taking from what just happened, doesn't like new people?" I pointed towards his bedroom, Mrs. Hudson grabbed my hand and walked me towards the tea room. "Mr. Holmes doesn't like it when people come between him and Dr. Watson." I sat down and she handed me a cup of oolong tea.

"After Dr. Watson's marriage fell through, Mr. Holmes is always looking out for the doctor." She whispered to me, just in case someone was listening.

"Olivia!" I heard my name being called it. I knew whose's voice that was, it was John's.

"John?" I called back, walking towards the main hallway. I stopped mid-way to see Watson at the doorway, "I thought you left." He was bent over from running down the stairs, "Thank God." He smiled, I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Watson!" Oh God, it's his voice, "Watson, where are you? I need your presents now!" I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs, a hand grabbing onto John's shoulders. "There you are Watson!" My eyes met once again with Mr. Holmes', he rubbed his other hand over his mouth. "I see you're still here, my dear."

I just continued to stare at him, taking another sip of tea. "I'm not your guest here, I am now Mrs. Hudson's guest." I looked away, continuing to drink my tea. Sherlock looked at Mrs. Hudson with a sour look on his face. "Mrs. Hudson, please do not invite," He looked back at me and growled at me, "loose women."

"Sherlock!" John yelled and hit Holmes on the arm, "Don't be so rude. You don't know her!" Watson stopped what he was saying, he knew Sherlock; he knew what he could do.

"I don't know her?" He stare at me, gazed me up and down, "Dear, could you come here?" I was a little scared getting up from the couch. I placed my tea down on the coffee table and went over to Sherlock. A little skeptical, I was worried what he was going to concluded.He picked up my right hand into his, his were so dry.

He was fondling my hand and looking straight into my eyes. "Olivia Teller, you're 22. Your father was in the military, your mother a stay at home mother. You are an artist, not being a successful one." He paused, Watson just looked at him. He came closer to my face, I could see deeper into his brown eyes.

With that, I didn't know he was this bold; well, I knew he was bold, just not this bold. I felt his soft lips on top of mine, how they just match and felt like they were meant for me. It wasn't just a peck, he deepened the kiss. He pulled away, being causal about the kiss, the last thing he said to me was, "You are still a virgin." I pushed away from him, John came and grabbed me closer to him.

"Holmes, that is too far. You always take this, too far." Watson yelled at Sherlock, he had me behind him where I just held his hand. "You can not ever accept me being with someone." Sherlock look shocked, looking back at me and Watson.

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