Chapter Twenty-Three: I Do, Sherlock.

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"Olivia." I heard a faint voice. My body shook as I opened my eyes to see my mother standing over me. "Olivia, what are you doing?" She rested her hands on her hips; staring into me with her brown eyes. I looked around, sitting up from where I was.

"Where am I?" I asked puzzled. I looked around, spotting something white hanging on the door. It can't be...

My mother pulled me by the arm off the chaise longue over to the white dress. She began to take off my current outfit which was just a loose fitted dress. "I can't believe you, Olivia. The day of your wedding and you're off having a snooze." She uttered. I stepped through the dress having it brought up to my arms. The moment it was fastened, I was shoved down into a chair.

"I didn't know today was my wedding." I tried to turn my head to look at her. My cheeks were held as they brought me back to face the mirror as three women went at my hair.

My mother let out a giant sigh, covering her face as she turned away from me. I was the only child so having this wedding meant everything to her. She was one that took charge of everything. I didn't have a say in anything. "Olivia, you're being difficult." She looked at me with such disappoint that it made my stomach drop.

I tried to open my mouth to say something but nothing came out. She walked away to head over to the chaise longue, sitting on it as an overdramatic queen. "How you ever got someone to marry you will be a mystery."

There was a knock at the door. Maybe whomever that was would take my mother away from here. One of the women went to open it; revealing a man that took the stress off everything. A smile came across my face as I knew I was beaming with happiness.

"Daddy." I softly said. I stood up, walking over to him. I gave him a hug, burying my face into his shoulder. "Thank you."

I heard my father laugh. He patted my back as he kissed the top of my head, "Your mother giving you a hard time?" He asked.

"I'm just making sure this day is perfect for her." Mother defended herself.

"This is Olivia's day. I think it's important that she is happy." My father pulled back giving me a smile. "You look absolutely radiant, dear."

I couldn't help but smile, "Thank you, Daddy."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He questioned me. I raised my my eyebrow, giving a playful smile, "We can run. Just the two of us!" He joked. I gripped my father's arm, letting out a laugh. He was always the best to make me feel better. To make any situation better.

"No, Daddy. I'm fine." I laughed. He held out his arm, ready for me to take it. My mother looked at me one last time. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and for once smiled.

"I'm truly glad someone loves you as much as we do." She praised. We walked down the hall to stand in front of the chapel's giant doors. My heart was pounding against my chest. This was it. This emotional ride finally came to an end. The doors opened to a lovely chapel draped in white. White lilies on the ends of the pews. Filled with loved ones as they rose once they saw me walk in. The stained glass beamed with the sunlight making it look as if it was all a fairytale.

We reached the altar but my heart dropped.

"Whom gives this woman to be married to this man?" The priest asked.

"Her father." My father smiled. I looked over at him, my eyebrows furrowed. My father gave me one last kiss on the cheek as he and my mother left my side.

"Olivia." I heard my name as I saw his hand out reached towards me. I looked back to see that usual messy hair: slicked back. His clothes clean as that scruff that he had, one that I loved, was clean off. His smile was nothing but love as he was ready for this all his life, "Are you ready?"

Am I The One That Got Away, Dear Sherlock?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя