Chapter Seventeen: It's What You Wanted, Right, Mr. Holmes?

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          He was still on my mind. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t believe what I gotten myself into. I told Sherlock I loved him, worst yet: he told me the same. I would be like a school girl, all giggly and happy that he loves me too but…


            I turned to face a sleeping John. I brushed my hand over his cheek; my face softened while my heart grew heavy. I love John and before Sherlock, I could see myself living a happy life with him. I could see myself with him. Happy…


            Now, I see that sky smirk, brown eyed, messy hair man. Where I should dream about being Mrs. Watson; part of me wanted to become Mrs. Holmes.


            I snuggled closer to John, shutting my eyes, “I love John. I am happy with…John.” I yawned, drifting off into a dreamless sleep.


               “Olivia.” I heard a soft voice wakening me. My body started to shake, my eyes fluttered as I say a pair of soft blue eyes looking into me.

               “John,” I smiled, lifting myself off from the bed. “What are you doing up so early, dear?”

            John ran his hand along my cheek. “I’m going with Holmes to do some more investigation. What are you going to do while I’m gone?” He asked.

            I placed a piece of hair behind my ear. “I’ll probably walk around the town.” John was about to protest but I placed my finger on his lips. “I’ll be careful, John. Don’t worry about me.” John gave me a sly smile, still a weary one for the most part. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead though I still knew he worried.  He pressed his lips together, gripping my hand tighter. My heart ached for John; he cared for me so much.

            Where I was having feelings for another man.

            “Alright. Not much I can do then to let you be.” John signed but showing a soft smiled that I loved so much. “I must be off, for Holmes is waiting for me.” I nodded but before he left, I pulled him in for a loving kiss. The fireworks were still there, my heart still fluttered just by his touch.

            I stared deeply into his eyes, giving him a sense of safety.

            “If you have a sense of someone following you, even in the slightest. I want you to come back to this room. Understood?” He directed me sternly.

            I rubbed his cheek once more, smiling, “Understood, doctor. I love you.”

            John placed one more kiss on my lips, “I love you too.” John rubbed my arm once before he left. Leaving me with an uneasy emotion.

            I got myself out of bed, putting my hair up in a tight bun. I button up my dress and started to put on my make up until I heard a faint knock at the door. It couldn’t have been John. He wouldn’t have knocked.

            I went over to the door, slowly approaching it. My hand shook while reaching to the doorknob. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. What happened if it was Moriarty? Or Jorge? I can’t handle them alone, I was alone and really, I’m not that strong to fend for myself.

Am I The One That Got Away, Dear Sherlock?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant