Chapter Twenty-Four: I Got It All Wrong, Mr. Holmes.

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I could hear two people mumbling, a bit loud but they were restraining themselves; as if they were trying to make sure that I would hear.

            "Why were you kissing her?" John harshly said. Oh no. I kept my eyes closed, but there was no way I could stop listening. "One minute, I leave to get my fiancé food; the next thing I see is you kissing her!" John tried to keep it at a whisper.

            "Watson, there were things said that caused her trouble. She couldn't breathe, she was having issues; it was simply a coping mechanism." Sherlock tried to reason, but I don't think that was the best way to do it.

            "That's my job. Me," John spat at Sherlock, "The soon-to-be husband. Not my best mate!" I could hear shuffling happening as sounds of grunting came with it. "Don't put your hands on me!" John yelled. I had to shift in the bed, for sleeping on my arm was causing me discomfort. This must have caught their attention for I heard shushing.

            "Don't wake her." Sherlock hushed John.

            "You still love her." John questioned, "Don't you..." His voice gave that hint of sadness and betrayal; I wouldn't blame him.

            There was a long pause until Sherlock finally answered, "I do." All John could do was chuckle.

            "Have you two?" Suggesting sex. My heart broke into two as I grew worried.

            "No." Sherlock quickly answered, "Just kissed and I was always the one that initiated it." Sherlock could lie to John so easily as if he was used to it. "She only has her eyes on you, Watson. You're a lucky man. Don't let her go." Why was Sherlock saying this? Was he planning on something?

            "I won't." John flatly told Sherlock.

            "Oh and Watson. Jorge came into the picture again." Sherlock mumbled, "Be there for her."

            "What? Jorge?" John whispered in disbelief. I soon heard the door close as footsteps came close to me. He ran his hand along mine, lacing his fingers. I felt a soft kiss on my knuckles as some hair was brushed away from my face. "Please rely on me more, Olivia." John softly cried.


            I waited what had to be an hour, I couldn't go back to sleep nor could I wake up after hearing them argue. I had to wait. I slowly opened my eyes to see John asleep on a chair: still holding my hand. I sat up causing John to awaken.

            "Morning." I smiled at him, squeezing his hand. Having him return with a smile; leaning in to give me a kiss.

            "How are you feeling, love?" John asked, brushing his hand over my chest.

            I grabbed his hand, pulling it away, "It's good. Doesn't really hurt." John took off the gauze to examine the wound.

            "Looks like it's healing nicely. No infections in sight." John looked up at me, giving me a dashing smile, "Thank goodness that you're marrying a doctor." I laughed, slapping his shoulder a bit. I brushed his hair along my fingers.

            "A handsome one at that." I gave him a kiss. John's smile soon fell as I knew he was going to ask: what he was going to say. It made me feel so uneasy.

            "Holmes told me." John softly said, leaning back into his chair. I had to act confused, that I knew nothing. I furrowed my eyebrows together as I gave him a blank stare, "Jorge raped you again?" I squeeze John's hand at the mention of that ogre's name. Just thinking about it made me sick to my stomach. I felt John's hand on my cheek as he made me look at him, "I know thinking about it must be difficult and I will never understand what you went through. I am here for you, if you need to talk or anything."

            I pulled John into a hug as I buried my face into the crook of his neck, "Don't ever become like him." I choked out, "You're far too gentle to be him but please, don't ever."

            John wrapped his arms around me. Being in his embrace felt so comforting, his musk just wanting to put back to sleep. John pulled me away, giving me a light kiss. It was a coping mechanism and I had to keep telling myself the same thing over and over: I wanted John. We kept kissing and oddly; they grew more passionate one after another.

            I heard a cough, pulling away from John quickly to see a doctor at the door. I looked away as I knew I was blushing madly. "Dr. and Mrs. Watson." My heart jumped as the doctor called me by John's last name, "Just coming in to check on the wound." He assured us. He came towards me and sat next to me. He examined the stitches as he placed a gel over it, covering it with a new gauze. "Looks like it's doing fine." He told us. He handed John more gauzes and the gel as he stood.

            "I would have you stay longer but I feel that you're in good hands with your husband." He instructed us, "If any problems, please bring her to any hospital." The doctor left to leaving a grinning John in the room.

            "You liked the idea that he called you my husband." I laughed.

            "Well Mrs. Watson does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" John chuckled. He kissed me once more and went over to collect my things. "We're taking a train back to London." What?

            I quickly got out of the bed, rushing over to John. I gripped my bag, stopping him, "Why? What about Moriarty? Mr. Holmes?" I knew it was because of my safety. I could only imagine what was going through John's head when I had to get stitched, getting the bullet removed.

            John didn't even bother to look at me, he just handed me one of my dresses, "You were on the verge of death, Olivia. I'm not risking that again. I'm not having you in a hospital again for that reason."

            "Verge," I emphasized on the word, "I'm alive now! We can't let Moriarty get away with this!"

            John looked at me with such a serious face, "Which is why Holmes is on a train headed to a factory." What? Sherlock is asking himself to get killed by going alone. How could John allow this?

            I shook my head at John, shaking my finger at him, "John, you can't let him do this alone. It's too dangerous!" I pleaded. My heart was beating so fast as I know Sherlock is going to be reckless. Safety for himself wasn't in his vocabulary.

            "Olivia, you got injured because of us." John tried to reason with me but I refused to cave.

            "I'm better! You heard the doctor! Are you really going to let your best mate risk his life alone?" I asked him, knowing that this could change his mind. "Everything you two have went through."

            "You're right." John hung his head and sighed. He looked up at me, giving off a sly smile, "How do you do that?"

            I smiled turning around so I could put on my dress. "A woman never reveals her secret." I joked, pulling my arms through the sleeves. As I began to button my dress, John snaked his arms around my waist; pulling me in close causing me to squeal.

            "How about first class on the train? A nice car all to ourselves. Get some drinks, do what husband and wife do, Mrs. Watson." John whispered in my ear, causing a chill going down my spine but I could help but laugh a little.

            "You would like that, wouldn't you dear?" I coolly said as a smirk came to play on my lips. John kissed the back of my neck, bringing it up to my jawline; turning me around to give me a kiss. When he pulled away, he helped fasten the last few buttons. "I think that can be in store but," I turned so my back was against him, "I'm a wounded girl. You have to be gentle with me." I tried to sound like a proper uptown girl; her voice nice and high as I exaggerated myself.

            "Thank God your husband is a doctor." John words did wonders to me. It made me weak in the knees as his sentence just gave me a hot flash. This man...

            Maybe you're right, Sherlock. Maybe John is the one for me.


Back for a bit. I should really just finish typing out the store. I mean, the notebook is just right next to me. I hope it's still somewhat still there, the story. I don't know. BUT, we are not close to the end so don't worry whoever is still sticking around! There will be more!!!

Am I The One That Got Away, Dear Sherlock?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن