Chapter Four: When Did You Fall For Me, Holmes?

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Authors note: This chapter is in Sherlock's POV.

I stared at the man who drugged Olivia, her body went limp and fell into his arms. "Olivia! Give her back right now!" I yelled at him, running towards the door. A man blocked the way while the other man, with the woman I love, ran off. 

I punched his arm, to break it, along with a kick in the shin. I pushed him aside to run after Olivia. Watson was behind me, we were both out of breath. "She's gone. I can't believe she's gone." Watson spoke softly, bent over. He was getting depress, I couldn't blame him; I felt it was my fault.

We went back into the cabin, I sat down; my hands over my face. "Dammit." I cursed, how could I let her get away so easily. 

I still remember when I first met her; when I fell in love.

It was summer time in the market, I was having my evening tea in public. Watson was off living a married life with Mary, little did he know she was sleeping with her therapist. 


I had to keep a down low for I fake my death earlier, I could not have the spotlight on me reappearing. I was wearing a hat, a fake mustache, just the usual disguise I wear. I was people watching while reading the paper, that was until someone showed up.


"Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?" She asked, she had the most breath taking eyes, big and brown. Her lips were so delicate and her smile made her glow. Her soft brown nicely held up in a bun to show off her long neck. Her skin was perfect, not a single blemish or pimple. She was divine.


"No. No one is, go on ahead." I spoke not making eye contact, I didn't want it to show that I was staring at her. She pulled out her lunch and started to feed the birds with some of her crumbs. "I'm Olivia teller, it's very nice to meet you." She smiled at me. God, what was going on; I don't ever act like this. My heart was racing for her, her voice was so cheery and music to my ears. "I'm-" I couldn't say my name, what would I say if she knew I was alive, "I'm Joseph Holiday." I smiled at her.


"Very nice to meet you, Mr. Holiday." She unwrap a piece of cloth and it reviled a sandwich, "Would you like part of my sandwich?" She was just too adorable, I nodded my head and reached out to grab half. I bit into it and it was delicious. She had mad a roast beef sandwich, it was just right. "This is amazing." I told her, she just smiled at me.


"It was just such a lovely day, I had to eat outside." She turned to me, "I'm glad I don't have to eat alone." She looked around to also watch the people, "I just been lonely for a while." She pouted, "I'm tired of it. I know I shouldn't wish for a man in my life, but I feel like I need one." She bit into her sandwich once more and wiped her mouth. "I'm sorry, you probably don't want to hear this." She smiled once more at me.


You can have me, but not as Joseph Holiday, who ever the hell that was, but as Sherlock. "It's alright, miss." I looked down at the paper and took a sip of tea. She started to gather her things, don't leave me. "I better get going, I have a doctor's appointment. It was very nice to meet you Mr. Holiday. I hope we can meet again." She smiled, shaking my hand and left.


I wish I wasn't on the down low, I wish I could ask her out for dinner or for tea. Damn. 

I kept staring at Watson, thinking about her was making me go mad. "Where do you think they went to?" He asked me, his hands on his head bent over. I looked at him, trying to act causal, "Well, it's a train. They couldn't have gone far." I looked out to the hall. I got up and looked for clues. I had to stop thinking about her, I just had to. 

She was with Watson and he seemed so happy with her, it would be wrong of me to tell him how I felt about her. "Looks like they went to the right and through the door." I pointed, John shoved me out of the way and headed in that direction. I was just a couple feet away from him, I wanted her just as bad as he does; maybe even more.

Watson was opening every door, crying out her name. I was just casually looking around until I saw a suspicious fellow looking out; he saw us and went back into the cabin. "Watson," I pointed towards the direction; he didn't wait a second, he bolted through that door, "Olivia!" He screamed.

Am I The One That Got Away, Dear Sherlock?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora