Chapter Sixteen: Why Are You My Knight, Mr. Holmes?

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            His lips were perfect. It was as if they were meant for me and only me. Though the feeling in my stomach felt otherwise. His lips lingered off of my own as my heart felt heavy; I had to shove him away.

            “Mr. Holmes,” I began, my heart wouldn’t stand still. “We can’t do this.” My hands balled his shirt up as I refused to stare into the man’s eyes. For I would only see disappointment and hurt coming from them. Yet, I was wrong.

            He had pulled me into his chest, snaking his arms around my waist; he looked down at me. His lips formed a smile and he began to smack his lips, “Would you say that kiss was breathtaking? Mind blowing? Or how about life changing—”

            I had pulled myself away from him once more, my arms fully extended as my head hung low.


            “I’m serious, Mr. Holmes. What I did was wrong. It’s not in my morals for what I just done. I’m an engaged woman.” I reminded him, “I am the wife to be to your best friend.”

            Sherlock grabbed my wrists, pulling them to the side as he brought himself closer to me. He dipped his head so that his eyes would match mine, scanning me.

            “As I’m serious about you, Olivia.” My breath was hitched in the back of my throat, he was just so calm. Thinking that he knew everything as if this was all right to be doing. Hiding behind John’s back was no problem of his. His deep brown eyes had me lock into him once again, trapping me with my feelings for him. “We will figure something out.”

            A part of me wanted to run away with Sherlock, where every time he looks at me is as if he is looking at me for the first time. My heart flutters when he says my name. Though, the other part of me longed for John. For sweet John is so loyal to me and loves me. He wants to protect me from harms way. Where I do nothing for him in return.

            I had to gather my thoughts, peeling myself away from Sherlock. “I must go.” I told him. I headed towards the door, I looked over to the side, not making contact with the man I loved, “I have calmed John down but I can not stay any longer or he will soon figure out the pieces.”

            I had my hand gripping the doorknob, though I already knew that he moved to come closer to me. Shivers shot down my spine as he brushed strains of loose hair away from the back of my neck. His lips brushed up to the nape of my neck, while his hand found its way to mine.

            “Do you really love him?” He whispered into my neck.

            I twisted my body to get away from him. For my thoughts were doing me no good, for I was thinking of things to do to him that I would do to John. I twisted the knob to let myself out.


            “Goodnight, Mr. Holmes.” I couldn’t look at him. I couldn’t stay any longer. John was still on the fence about Sherlock. As I walked back to my room, I had to stop at the corner.

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