Chapter Five: Why Would You Say Something Like That, Sherlock?

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My eyes started to flutter, to see the man I saw earlier. "About time you woke up, my dear." He said, stirring his spoon in the tea. I lifted up my body up with two men sitting next to me. "Who are you," I asked straightening my dress.

"Professor Moriarty." He said smiling at me, he took a sip of tea and placed it down, "I see you have stolen the heart of the great Sherlock Holmes; I haven't seen that happen since Irene. Congratulations." He gave his tea to another man right next to him and gave me a cup. "I want you to think of the proposal I am about to give you."

"Who is Irene?" I asked, softly.

"A woman who toyed with Holmes, but that's nothing to what I want you to do." He gave me a grin to show off his teeth, "Hopefully you won't fail me, like she did."

I looked at him, looking down at the tea; I just don't know to take a si- "It's not poisonous, dear Olivia." I slowly took the sip, "Now, it's easy for you to control Holmes, for he is in love with you." I stared at him, in love? No, Sherlock couldn't be in love with me, he just loved me; there's a difference, right? "You could lead him to me, as an exchange; I won't hurt Dr. Watson." My eyes widen in fear.

He can't do that, that is a lose-lose situation. I placed my tea down and shook my head, "I can't do that." 

He smirked at me and laughed, "So, you really don't care for John than." 

I stood up which lead the other two men standing next to me, "I do care for John, but I also care for Sherlock and you can not do that to me." Moriarty got up and grabbed my face, "If that's how it's going to be," He grabbed a knife and placed it on my neck, "Then there is no point on having you here."

I closed my eyes and waited for the pain, "Sir, I just spotted Holmes and Dr. Watson." He placed the knife down and patted my cheek, I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me, "Until next time, my dear Olivia." He then left the cabin. I clenched my heart, falling onto the sofa. My eyes started to water, while some escaped. "Olivia!" I heard a similar voice, John's sweet voice.

The cabin's doors slammed open to see John standing in the doorway. He was out of breathe, sweating; while I just sat there, hands over my mouth. Nothing could come out of my mouth for I didn't know what to do. I did not want to trick Sherlock to Moriarty or have John hurt. Why did this have to happen to me?

"Olivia, thank God you're safe." John ran over to me and hugged me. I couldn't help but wrap my arms over his neck and started to cry. I was so terrified after the proposal Moriarty gave me. I was confused on what to do. Watson kept looking at my face, wiping my eyes away with his thumb and hugging me more.

I looked over at the doorway to see Sherlock leaning against it, smiling at me. I had to look away from him, after knowing what I learned about him. John finally pulled away from me, "Who did this to you, Olivia." I looked at him and Sherlock, who had moved to sitting right across from me. John was holding my right hand while the other was over my mouth.

"Moriarty." I said softly, Sherlock got up and went back to our original cabin. I stared off to where he left and John looked down, "Let me go talk to him." He kissed my forehead and went off to him. I got up and slowly left the cabin, until I heard his voice, "Don't forget to think about it, dear Olivia." I didn't even turn around, I just kept walking back to our cabin.

I heard Sherlock's and John's voices, bickering at each other. 

"Holmes, what is the matter with you, I never seen you like this before. You're acting stranger than usual!" John yelled at him. I went into the cabin next to them, I could still hear them; how awkward though, I was sitting with a family. I pointed at the cabin that I was suppose to be in, "They're fighting right now." I said, the family nodded and went on doing their thing.

"I can't think straight, Watson. Ever since you brought Olivia, my mind has been going else's where." Sherlock complained.

"This is Olivia's fault now? Well I'm sorry that I brought the woman I care for. Last time, you threw the woman I love out the train!" There was a pause, did Watson say love?

"What was that Watson? You still love Mary? The woman who ripped out your heart and left you in cold?" Sherlock claimed to John, "Do you not even love Olivia? Do you not care for her as you did for Mary?"

I didn't want to go back now, this was beyond awkward and how can I act like everything is fine between John and I after know this?

"I do care for Olivia, Holmes. Getting over an ex-wife isn't something one can do over night!" John yelled back, I covered the little boy's ears. "Why is this your concern anyways?"

"What would happen if Mary came back into the picture, wanting you back." Sherlock asked causally. I stared at the wall, what would happen? That could possibly happen too.

There was a longer paused, like Watson didn't want to answer the question, even though it was obvious. 

"I would really have to think about it, Holmes. I really like Olivia-"

"Do you love her though," Holmes was blunt, really blunt; was he going to tell Watson, this would hurt their friendship.

I heard John take in a deep breath and said, "I don't know. Maybe."

Maybe? I guess that is better than nothing. I uncovered the little boy's ears and smiled at him, "Sorry about that my good sir." He gave me a cookie along with some tea, "Since you're here, have some tea with us." I smiled and bit into the sweet.

"Well I do." Sherlock said, "I am in love with Olivia."

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