Chapter Thirteen: No Hard Feelings Right Sherlock?

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I sat on my bed, staring at the door. John has yet to return since Sherlock told him that I knew that he loved me. By the door were my bags, for if John did return to the room; I was ready to leave, if he wished for it. I would understand why he would want to leave me; it's just a huge part of me didn't want him to.

I heard the sound of the doorknob turning. I stood up quickly, grabbing ahold of my dress.

"John?" I called out softly. The door opened to only show Sherlock. My face drops, sitting back down. I left out a sigh, "Only you, Mr. Holmes?" I asked, even though I knew he wasn't. John was mad at us both, but most likely he was going to stand by Holmes's side: for I only knew John for about six months.

Sherlock was still at the door. He covered his mouth, avoiding eye contact with me. "He's still not back?" He walked over to the window, pulling the curtain closed.

"If he was, you would see him here." I sourly said, looking at him. He turned his head to see me. He had a shock expression on his face. I pressed my lips together and stopped looking at him, "But he's not." I softly let out, playing with my fingers.

I heard footsteps come closer to me, where soon I saw a pair of legs in front of me. I looked up to be staring at Sherlock once more, "I didn't mean for this to happen." He spoke, bending down to be eye level. He grabbed my hands and started playing with them.

I jerked my hands away from him, getting up away from the bed towards the window. "If you didn't mean for anything to happen. Then why say it?" I opened the curtain to look out the window, just hoping to see John come across. I gripped on the curtain, only to cause it to snap in some places. "I was happy with John, but no. You couldn't let that be."

"Olivia, I had no intentions on ruining what you and Watson had-"

I turned to him, my eyes were getting watering; tears started rolling down my cheek, "You must have had some intention, Mr. Holmes! You knew what your words could have done and you spoke them anyways. Mr. Holmes," I spat at him. My body started to shake as my heart was picking up pace. "If you do truly love me, then why won't you let me be happy with the man that I love?"

Sherlock rushed over to me, placing his hand on my cheek to wiped away the tears. He shushed me, bending down a bit to see me eye to eye. "I know you love Watson and I do want you to be happy but you are wrong. You are happier with me and you know that." I could feel his hot breath tickling my lips. His lips brushed up against mine. He was right; it did for some reason feel right. Looking into his eyes seemed like I knew him for years.

I pushed Sherlock away, moving to another side of the room. I continued to pack my purse with my leftover belongings, only to have Sherlock stop me again.

"You can not just push me away, Ms. Teller." He hushed me.

I snapped my head to look at him, taking back my purse from him, "I can do whatever I wish, Mr. Holmes. For when John returns, I am most positive that he will leave me. All thanks to you." I moved myself towards the door to pick up my bags; I looked over at Sherlock and gave him a sour look. Piercing my lips out, raising my eyebrows, "If John asks for me, just tell him that I went back to London."

I opened the door to see John standing there. He was running his hand through his hair. His clothes were a mess while his eyes were stained red. He finally looked up to meet eye contact with me.

"John," I whispered. The bags dropped from my hands for I didn't know what to do with myself. I was relieved to see him but also terrified.

He shook his head for a bit while walking into the room. He turned to me, pointing his finger at me but then his eyes went down to my bags. He covered his mouth, turning back to me, "Were you leaving me?" His voice cracked while I rushed to him.

I pushed back his hair to see his face more clearly. Tears started to fall from my eyes, "I thought you would want me to leave, John. I was terrified to face you." I quickly spoke.

John pulled away from me and saw Sherlock in the room, "Holmes, what are you doing here?" He asked bitterly.

Sherlock moved away from the bed to get near his best friend. "Watson, I was here to console dear Olivia. You left without saying a word, what would you want me to do?"

"I want you to leave her alone, Holmes!" John yelled. I was surprised, I never heard John yell before. His fists were clenched while his had a snarl across his face. "She is my girlfriend, Holmes. I trusted you and you broke it." John's voice started to cracked, he was so heartbroken.

I walked over to John, blocking him from Sherlock, "We did nothing, John. You have to believe me. I am loyal to you and only you." Total lie but I couldn't let Moriarty win. Breaking up the duo, making them turn against each other so then getting Sherlock will be easier.

John looked at me, huffing, "Are you sure?"

I nodded my head violently, "Yes, John. I am sure of it."

"Then marry me."

I stared at him, confused. I let go of John, placing my hands on my cheeks. "Marriage? Me?" I asked him as if he made some sort of a mistake. John came over to me, taking out a small black box from his pocket. He opened the box to reveal a sapphire ring, which was surrounded by small cut diamonds.

"Olivia, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He looked so sweet, giving me a soft smile. "Will you do the honor of marrying me?"

I looked over at Sherlock, who only covered his mouth. He looked like he wanted to speak out but he bit his tongue. His eyes were filled with pain and sadness. He put his hands through his hair, he moved away from us; heading to the furthest part in the room. He did look over his shoulder, making eye contact with me.

I stared at Sherlock, just taking in deep breathes, "Yes, John." I looked back at him. A smile came across my lips, "Yes, I'll become Mrs. Watson." John grinned at me while placing the ring on my finger. I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a kiss. I rested my head on his shoulder while I kept looking at Sherlock.

"I can't wait to be yours, John." Sherlock shook his head and me, mouthing the word 'no' at me. I gave him a frown while looking straight at him; "I can't imagine being with anyone else but you."

Sherlock huffed at me, looking at the other side of the room. He laughed to himself, kicking at the dust on the floor. He quickly came over to us; I pulled myself away from John for the both of us stared at Sherlock.

"I am happy for you both. Watson, in the morning we need to head back to the morgue. Remember, we are still on a case." Sherlock reminded us. John smiled and placed a hand on Sherlock's shoulder.

"Of course, Holmes. I will see you in the morning." John laughed at him. Sherlock looked over at me, his eyes were becoming soft and I could have sworn there were about to produce tears.

"Congratulations, Ms. Teller." That was all he said. He pushed past us to leave the room alone. I held John closer to me but my heart sank for him.

I am doing this to protect you, Sherlock. Please understand that.


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