Chapter Eleven: Save Me, Sherlock.

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A/N: This maybe a trigger to some people, which is why it is rated R.

            “What are you doing here? John doesn’t want to see you!” I growled at her, making my way towards the door; while she made her way to the bed.

            She was beautiful: blonde hair, flawless skin, piercing green eyes; everything that I didn’t have. She sat on the bed, giving the same smirk, “I want the Doctor to take me back.” She seemed so uncaring, she didn’t care for John.

            “That’s a lie. Why are you here?” I wrapped my hand around a bottle and placed it by my side.

            “You’re right,” She got up and walked over towards me. I got away from the door to meet her in the middle of the room; my face was inches away from hers. My grip on the bottle tighten, “I want to see Mr. Holmes. For you see, when I was with the Doctor; Mr. Holmes would flirt with me. He told me how beautiful I was; telling me how much he loved me. How he wanted to be with me.” She gave me a pouty look. No, Sherlock wasn’t that kind of man. To ruin a marriage of his best friend, “I didn’t want to believe him.”

            Please don’t be like that, Sherlock. She chucked and her eyes went right through me, “That was until we had sex.” I stepped away from her; my eyes were beginning to water. I didn’t want to believe her, Sherlock wasn’t the reason. He could never be that low, “Poor Olivia, are you hurt? Did he lie to you too?”

            I turned to face her; I wiped my eyes to get a better visual her “What did you say?”

            She walked towards me, laughing, “He doesn’t love you, Olivia. He will love no one but himself.” I hit her head with the bottle I was holding, for she fell on the ground with me on top of her.

            “Who are you working for!” I yelled at her, grabbing onto her dress; she was out cold for I hit her too hard. I slapped her face, “Tell me, who are you working for!”

            I heard the sound of a gun being cocked; I froze in place to hear, “Me.” I couldn’t move, I didn’t know what to do. “Get up.” Or he could tell me. I slowly got up and turned to face the man with the gun.

            “Why am I not surprised?” I spat while staring at Moriarty. He had his henchman with him: a muscular man with a scar down his right eye. Moriarty smirked at me, while the muscular man came by my side and grabbed my arm.

            “You should have just done what I asked for, now you have to suffer the consequences.” We left the room, rather if I had a choice or not. I was being dragged by his large man, where I was trying to get out of his grip. If I did get free and ran, I was only going to get shot.  When we got to the lobby, I made eye contact with the innkeeper; who already noticed something was wrong.

            “Ms. Teller,” She called after me. We paused; Moriarty pressed the gun to my back, forcing me to go over to her. I leaned over the counter, grabbing a piece of paper and pen. “Is everything alright? Where are the Doctor and Mr. Holmes?” I wrote on the paper: Moriarty.

            I smiled at her, “They are out. Should be back soon.” I then was pulled away from the innkeeper; we made our way to a black carriage. I was tossed in, followed by the henchman, who made his way to hover over me. I began to hit his chest, “Get away from me!” I scream. I saw Moriarty tap him with his cane, where like a dog, he sat on one side of the carriage.

            I sat the opposite side; Moriarty was staring at his pocket watch and smiled to himself. As like he planned, I heard footsteps coming: to soon revel Sherlock and John. I pressed myself up the window of the carriage, banging on the glass, “John! John!” I couldn’t stop crying, soon I felt a slap come across my face and I fell to the floor of the carriage.

            “Don’t you dare touch her!” I heard John scream, Moriarty started to chuckle while getting into the carriage.

            “Moriarty, you have gone too far this time!” I heard Sherlock yell. Moriarty took a bow and put on his hat.

            “Another time, Mr. Holmes.” He looked over at what had to be John, “Doctor, you should enjoy being single again. For she will not be the same when you finally get her back.” What was that suppose to mean? Moriarty closed the door and soon the carriage went at full speed, for when I made my way back to the window; I could barely see John or Sherlock.

            “Sherlock! John!” I screamed one last time. When I saw them no more, I sat back down only to see the troll staring at me. I stared at Moriarty, who was placing the pipe in his moth and began to smoke, “You have me my attention now, now what?”

            He blew smoke in my face, as I waved it out of the way, I could see those horrible teeth, “You should have listened, Ms. Teller. Now Sherlock will be on his way for sure.”

            He placed a cane in front of his henchman, looking surprised, “Or,” I cocked an eyebrow for I was also confused on what he was going to say, “I will have more fun with this.” He tapped the wall behind him, causing the carriage to stop. He got out to look at me once more and smirked, “Jorge, you may do as you wish.” He topped off his hat to me, “Another time, Ms. Teller.”

            Do as he wish? I turned to Jorge; he was undoing his tie and shut the door for there was no way I could escape. Every inch of this carriage was small and Jorge, being such a big man, took up most of it. I tired to push him away from he but he grabbed my hands and tied his tie around them, so I wouldn’t hit him.

            I tried kicking him, he just gave me a giant grin and separated my legs to be in-between them. “I like it more when they fight back.” His deep low voice scared me; my eye began to water for there was nothing I could do anymore.

            He ripped open my dress, buttons going everywhere, leaving my chest exposed. I screamed but no one was going to save me. For it was such a large man, who would dare to stop him? He went down to the bottom of my dress, gripping it tight and with one pull; he managed to rip in right down the middle. His hands pulled down my underwear while I tried to choke back the sobs. He bent down to my neck, giving me kisses and made his way to my ear, “Don’t stop crying, but now it’s time to show you what it’s like being with a real man.”

            I couldn’t bare it; I was still new to this for it was only last night I was with John. My back arched while I let out a high pitch screamed. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I gritted my teeth, shutting my eyes close to let the tears flow. Jorge didn’t let the crying stop him, he kept going. He was not a small man, for he was big all around. My legs kept wiggling around while I tried to not feel the pain.

            He was no John; he was not gentle at all. He was rough and when I looked down to see what was going on; there was blood. Words couldn’t come out; more loud sobs would escape while he continued. “I haven’t had this in a long, long, time.” He growled at me, his hand was on my neck while I stared at him. I could feel every tear that fell go right on his hands. He grinned at me and started to kiss me, “Soon, you’ll only hunger for me.”        

            “Stop! Please!” I let out, my tears causing me to choke on my own words, “Please.” The cries got softer while the animal continued.

            “I see a future with you.” I heard John’s sweet voice. I looked off to the side and shut my eyes, “I love you, Olivia.” I heard Sherlock’s calming voice.

Please, rescue me.


Hello, I hope you kind of enjoyed this? I don't really know. Thank you for all the fantastic comments, I love reading them; it's my favorite part. Please comment if you like and make sugguestions; always a helpful! Thank you again for making me want to become a writer, more and more.

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