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It was a while before they met up again and it was for the moonlight picnic. They chose to take the train to the beach that was the furthest away. Hiroomi was responsible for the drinks and booze, while Mizuki would make the picnic basket and provide the blankets. She remembered to pack mosquito repellant and a bluetooth speaker. Since it was almost a three hour train ride, they had plenty of time to chat about work, so that when they arrived at the beach relaxation would be the only thing on their minds. Mizuki brought her camera too.

"Next thing on my night time bucket list is to see real fireflies, but it's too late this year to see them. Thank you for coming with me tonight Hiroomi," Mizuki said.

"Thanks for asking me to join. I've filmed at night, but this is a first."

"Before we arrive, you should put on the bug repellant too. It's my favourite lotion for night time adventures, because it doesn't stain clothing."

Hiroomi held out his hand, "I'll put some on the back of your neck."

"Can you do my back too?" She lifted up her shirt, just so her back was exposed, after handing him the lotion.

When he was done, she took the lotion and half massaged his neck and shoulders, as she applied it for him too. Mizuki could feel the tension in his shoulders and asked if he was particularly stressed out lately.

"I'm working on lyrics for a new song and eventually want to release another solo album. I guess my neck and shoulders feel tight, due to being hunched over the sound board."

"Do you write your lyrics on paper or work on a laptop?"

"I scribble ideas on paper first, and when it's time for the studio, the completed song is on my phone too."

"That's old school, I like it." She offered, "if you want to take a nap until we get there, I won't be offended. I even brought you a neck pillow too."

He accepted the pillow, "you're very thoughtful."

She winked at him, "my shoulder is available, since I have the window to rest my head on."

Hiroomi propped the pillow on her shoulder and tested it out. It was comfortable and so he closed his eyes. Travelling in the evening meant he didn't have to wear a mask. His hoodie and cap were still on his head, just in case. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, but did. Mizuki was working on a tablet, finishing up a project and then going through emails. To back up the work, she forwarded a copy to her email. Her hands wanted to caress his face and run through Hiroomi's hair, but they'd had a hug and one kiss. Their friendship consisted mainly of messaging, which meant he was off limits unless he invited it.

On arrival at the one transfer, the jolt of the train braking, woke him up. "I guess I was more tired than expected. Did you sleep too?"

"No, but I got a lot of work done." She wasn't about to tell him that his presence kept her charged up, even when he was just sleeping.

He stood up first and got their bags and the picnic basket off the overhead rack. He handed the basket to her, but carried the backpacks himself. They got off one train in Ito and onto another that went to Shimoda. From there it was a short bus ride to the actual beach. It was around 8:30 pm when they got to the beach, which to Hiroomi's relief was completely deserted except for them. They walked side by side until Mizuki stopped. She took off her kicks and socks, then went onto the sand. He decided to do the same and then joined her. They walked towards some rocks and then put down their things. Mizuki dug out a blanket and put it on the sand, using her shoes and bag to anchor the corners, in case a wind kicked up. Following her lead, Hiroomi put his shoes and bag on the corners too. The picnic basket was set in the middle of the blanket. He sat down, while she remained standing.

Hiroomi Tosaka:  The Chemistry Of UsWhere stories live. Discover now