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Later in the week, Hiroomi saw that he had missed a number of calls from Mizuki. It wasn't like her to call more than once. There was a voicemail, so he checked it. She was sobbing and he couldn't understand a word of what she was saying. He hung up and called her immediately, when it just rang and she didn't answer he left his own voicemail. He checked the locator app on his phone and it showed her in Adachi City, a low rent area, just outside of Tokyo. He tried to call her again and this time the call was answered. There was a harsh male voice, which wasn't her father's. What was going on? He left the recording studio and went into the hall.

Takahiro was walking by and saw the concern on Hiroomi's face.

"What's wrong?"

"I think Mizuki might be in trouble. I got a voicemail of her crying and now this. Listen," Hiroomi gave his phone to Takahiro.

Takahiro returned the phone. "Are you done with your session? We can go find her."

"Yeah, I'm done, you drive so I can keep an eye on the locator app."

Takahiro grinned, "you installed that on her phone and she let you?"

"She put it on mine first, so that when I'm working she can see where I am and not have to call."

"Smart woman."

They left quickly and headed towards Adachi, with Hiroomi giving directions as he zoomed in using the app and saw the street she was last on. "Stop, that's her car."

"Let's check the ally," Takahiro said as they parked behind her car.

They got out and began searching for her. Hiroomi tried calling again, but it just rang. By chance Takahiro glanced into an area between two buildings and saw her. He grabbed Hiroomi's arm.

"Who's that guy? She's struggling to get out of his grip."

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out." Hiroomi ran towards the pair, and shouted, "Mizuki!"

Her head turned and he saw she was still crying. Her struggles amplified and she called out, "help me!"

When Hiroomi and Takahiro arrived, Takahiro chopped the guy's arm and Mizuki got away. She ran behind them. "He's my ex."

Touya growled, "who the fuck are you?!"

Takahiro answered, "we're the Amamiya Brothers."

If he wasn't so angry, Hiroomi would've laughed. But if the guy didn't recognize them, all the better. He asked over his shoulder, "Mizuki are you okay?"

She tried to talk through her tears, "Dad's dead. Touya grabbed me and forced me to drive here." Her hand was holding on to the back of his leather jacket, but was trembling so bad, his jacket was shaking.

"Did he have anything to do with your Dad's death?" Takahiro asked.

Touya answered, "that fucking drunk was dead when I found him. Don't blame that on me Mizuki!"

When the guy pushed Hiroomi and tried to grab Mizuki again, Takahiro channelled his High & Low character and threw a kick that landed on Touya's solar plexus.

Hiroomi suggested, "Mizuki go back to your car, get in and lock it."

"He's got my keys."

Takahiro gave her his. "My car is behind yours. We'll handle this."

"Thank you Masaki," Mizuki said using the character's name. "Be careful he has a knife."

"Traitorous BITCH!" Touya yelled, as the hand that was holding the knife behind his back, flicked out.

Hiroomi Tosaka:  The Chemistry Of UsWhere stories live. Discover now