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Mizuki and Hiroomi made room in their schedules so they could go to the fireworks festival together. He picked her up and when Hiroomi saw her dressed in a traditional Japanese kimono, he knew a lot of people would be taking a picture of them. Mizuki was stunning and it didn't matter that she was a mixed blood, because she just shined.

"Don't tell me you're wearing the traditional wood clog-sandals too."

Mizuki laughed, "I'm not sadistic. We're walking a lot, I'm wearing my converse shoes, but I do have the clogs in my backpack." She could see he was dressed in black designer ripped jeans, a distressed Tommy Hilfiger shirt and black Nikes.   There was a black snapback attached to his belt.  "You're not disguised, so are we getting swarmed by your fans tonight?"

"Maybe, but not because of me. You look amazing and this evening I'm just your accessory. There's only one thing missing and I know just where to get it."

Hiroomi stopped at a flower shop and purchased one of the red Dahlias. Then he secured it in her hair, that was also done in traditional upswept style.

She looked into the window of the shop and saw her reflection. "You're right, it was missing that. Thank you."

"Who did your hair, it's perfect."

"The same woman who did my hair for that fashion show."

"Nice. She kept the style very traditional, down to the pin and clasp. I wonder how she has those handy."

Mizuki winked, "she's a hairstylist for the traditional period movies."

"That explains it. You know some interesting people."

Once again they drove towards the festival. Choosing to eat from the food stalls on arrival. He parked and then went to her side of the car, gallantly opening up the door for her and helping Mizuki out of the car. Hiroomi shouldered the backpack and offered her his arm. Then they departed.

"I bought us tickets for a spot along the harbour, in Odaiba Keihin Park."

"Since the tickets aren't cheap, I guess that will help reduce the number of people around us."

Hiroomi smiled, "exactly. Also it's the best place to see unobstructed views of the fireworks. We can walk along the paved path, to find what we feel like eating, on the way there."

They were stopped by an elderly couple. "May we take a picture of your lovely date?"

"Would you like one with her?"

"Yes please, thank you."

They gave him their cell phone, after taking a picture of Mizuki by herself. He took a few pictures of them with her and then returned the phone. After the couple continued on, Hiroomi asked, "does it bother you having strangers take your picture?"

"Not when I'm with you. I knew dressing like this would draw attention, but as long as you don't leave me alone long, I'm okay."

He kissed her cheek and they continued on their way.

The next picture takers were a group of twenty-something women, who recognized Hiroomi. "Would you mind giving us an autograph?"

One girl said, "I want a picture with you and your date together. You're the perfect couple."

Mizuki blushed and then began to worry about rumours about Hiroomi's dating life. She hadn't considered that when he'd suggested going to the festival together. She patiently waited for the fans to leave, before asking him. "What are we going to do about everyone seeing me as your date? Will it cause problems with your fans? What about rumours and stuff?"

Hiroomi Tosaka:  The Chemistry Of UsWhere stories live. Discover now