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[Mild Mature Content] 

In the morning Hiroomi's lower body woke up first. He became aware and opened his eyes, both glad that she was still sleeping and worried due to Mizuki's position. He could feel her breasts, through the t-shirt, against his side. One arm was thrown over his waist and a leg was between his. At some point she'd cuddled up to him. Her head was resting partially on his chest and arm. The thought of Mizuki's mouth opening and her tongue coming out to lick his nipple, made him have a tent in his track pants as if he was a horny teenager. In case she woke up, before he got himself in control, Hiroomi put a pillow on top of his crotch.

She dreamed about Hiroomi and what falling in love with him would be like. Then the past pain creeped in and it turned into a nightmare. Mizuki jolted awake suddenly and then froze. She was draped over him, with half her body.

"Nightmare?" Hiroomi asked and added, "good morning."

Without answering the question, she apologized and untangled herself from him. "Sorry, I hope my head didn't make your arm fall asleep."

"I'm fine. Do you remember what your nightmare was about?"

She turned away from him. "I don't want to lie to you... so yes I do, but I don't want to talk about it." Then Mizuki mentioned, "I guess I don't snore, since I woke up in your bed still."

Hiroomi laughed, "if you did snore, it wasn't loud enough to wake me." He smiled and added. "If you want to shower first, I'll order breakfast." Hiroomi was back in control of his lower body, so he stood up and gave her a new pair of track pants with another t-shirt. "You can change into this, so you don't have to leave wearing the dress."

"Awesome, thanks. I need a black coffee with three creams please. I don't really eat breakfast normally."

"Okay. Take your time." Picking up his cell, he put in the order for delivery and then checked his messages.

Not unexpectedly, he was trending on social media due to his and her extravagant exit from the fashion show's afterparty. When she came out of the bathroom, he showed her.

"Well at least my hashtag is Mystery Woman and not my name. The cameras all took fantastic pictures of you. This publicity, do you like it?"

He shrugged, "I don't care either way. If my label mates ask, can I tell them who you really are?"

"As long as they don't share my identity on social media, go for it."

They were interrupted by a buzzer, signalling the delivery had arrived. He buzzed them in and answered his door. Then returned, "here's your coffee. I'll shower and change, then I can take you home."

"I'll look outside and see if we have any paparazzi waiting for you to appear." She grinned and could still hear his laughter after the bathroom door closed. To her relief there were no cameras waiting.

He reappeared wearing an oversized black hoodie and black jeans. "I'll eat and then we can go."

"No rush.... Um... Hiroomi... are we dating now?" Mizuki was embarrassed that she didn't know their status.

"I wasn't going to put a label on it, but yes, if you're okay with that."

"Well since I stayed in your bed last night, I just wanted to know your expectations I guess."

She was either feeling insecure or worried they were moving too quickly. So he captured her line of sight and answered truthfully. "I like you; whether it's casually hanging out or sharing kisses and hugs. My last serious relationship, as private as we tried to keep it, was all over social media. I might not seem cautious compared to you, but taking things slow is fine by me. We have chemistry, I know you've felt that attraction too. You're worth waiting for and so am I."

"Does that mean you don't have any expectations?"

"I expect you to always be honest, to respect my privacy, to communicate what you want and feel. That's it. Everything or anything else will fall in line, when it's time. What about your expectations?"

"I'm not sure. I like what you just said, but I guess I just need you to be patient too."

"I'm not a teenager, just needing to get laid. That may sound harsh, but it seems like that's how you see me." Considering how his body had reacted in the morning, the irony of what he said wasn't lost on him.

Her eyes widened and then teared up a little. "I'm sorry for doing that to you. I'm scared of how you make me feel... the chemistry of us. I like you too and not just your entertainment personality, but the real you. The you at 3 am and the you now and the you who's my friend. I trust you and yet I don't trust myself." She turned away from Hiroomi, because she almost confessed that she was scared of falling in love with him.

He moved to stand in front of her and just hugged her to him. "We still haven't seen each other shit-faced drunk or angry."

She looked up and into his eyes, her smile matching his. "You always know what to say to reel me back from the edge. I respect you so much, even if I haven't made you feel like it."

"And because I respect you, I have all the patience in the world. Too many times I've jumped into things and impatience doesn't bring longevity. I've learned that the hard way and I guess so have you."

With a big sigh, Mizuki snuggled into his arms more. "Can we just stay like this a while?"

His response was tightening the hug just a little and planting a kiss on her cheek. She was slightly shorter than him, when not wearing heals and fit perfectly in his arms. "I'm glad you talked to me about your concerns. You can always do that and I'll not just listen, but I'll hear you. That's my promise to you. Trust and communication are the most important things in any relationship, whether we stay like this or become more serious. Okay?"

"Thank you. You're so understanding, it's a rare quality."

"As is your honesty."

"We're quite the pair.... One day I'll be ready to tell you about my past. And just so you know, I might be one of the few who didn't read about you and your ex online."

"That doesn't surprise me at all. You work in our industry, so professionalism and privacy of your clients go hand in hand." Hiroomi released his arms and she stepped back.

"That's true, but the only thing I use social media for is promoting my photography and the art of it. If people follow me great. I got LINE because of my clients. I value privacy; mine and yours. Social media often twists the truth, among other online sources, I'd rather hear opinions and what happened, directly from you."

"Thanks, I appreciate you too." He looked at his watch, "I should take you home now, are you ready?"

"Yes. Sorry I made this morning so heavy." Mizuki hung her head.

He lifted her gaze, using a finger under her chin. "Honesty is never heavy. Lies are."

She smiled, "singers, do they always know what to say?"

Hiroomi winked at her, then stooped to put on his shoes. "Just wear the slippers home."

In his car she asked, "so what's our next adventure going to be?"

"You being my model, while teaching me better photography." He tried not to smirk.


"That's your choice."

"Would you venture outside with bugs?"

He laughed, "for you to be my model and learn from you... yes. I can be brave."

She giggled. "I'll think about it."

They arrived outside of her apartment complex. After taking off her seatbelt, she leaned over to him and gave him a kiss good-bye. "Have a good day."

"You too," he replied and waited for her to start leaving his car. "Mizuki, I'm glad you stayed the night."

"Same." She waved and then went inside the building.

Hiroomi Tosaka:  The Chemistry Of UsWhere stories live. Discover now