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Almost two weeks later, Mizuki decided to be Hiroomi's model. Her location of choice was the Nezu-jinja Shrine. It dated back 1900 years and had a great path of red torii gates. It wasn't far from Ueno Park, but was near the main campus of the University of Tokyo, which could cause him issues with fans. She decided to offer another location for him to choose from. The other was Hotel New Otani Japanese Garden, where visitors could enjoy the scenery without staying in the hotel. It was open from 6 am to 10 pm. It had 10 acres with stone lanterns, bridges over koi ponds, a stone garden and beautiful waterfall, flowers and trees. It boasted of being quiet and with a peaceful ambience. They also had a restaurant, where they could dine. She texted him the options and sent a screen shot of her schedule.

Hiroomi called her, "hi... so you'll really let me take your picture?"

"For educational purposes, yes. Um... I saw my dad last week, he was in rough shape and long story short I have a black eye."

"What? He hit you?"

"I tried to avoid it, but he still connected. It's not swollen anymore and the bruise is almost gone. I'm not the best shape for modelling for another few days. Makeup and sunglasses are my fashion choices for now, so I can work."

"Is that why you declined meeting me two days ago?"

"No, I was really working then. I told you I won't lie to you and expect the same from you."

"Can I still come by to visit you tomorrow night?"

She could tell he was worried about her. "If you want to, sure. Anything you feel like eating, that I can make for you?"

"Really, I can make a request?"

"Yes. Anything."

"I love how you spoil me... I want sushi, it's my favourite thing to eat."

"Oh that's easy. Just text me when you're on the way. Oh and can you pick up a bottle of white wine?"

"Sure, that pairs well with sushi.... Am I allowed to stay the night?"

"If you want to."

"Okay... And try a Vitamin C cream, it speeds up the healing process.... Remember that dipping sauce you made the first time you shared your cooking skills?"

"Of course, you want that again I take it?"

"Yes please. Can you bottle some to go?"

She laughed, "you're cute when hungry. Let me guess, you haven't eaten yet?"

"Good guess, but even if I had, I want to take that sauce home too."

"I got it. Don't forget to eat today, I'll message you tonight."

They hung up and he was glad the conversation had ended on a light note. Her visits with her father, concerned him, since they were escalating in severity. His aim was to try and talk to her about it and help find a safe solution. Although, Hiroomi was looking forward to trying her sushi. They'd been dating officially only a month, but had been friends for about five. Hiro and his J.S.B. group mates knew about her, but that's it.

As for Mizuki, she began planning what kind of sushi she could make and where to pick up some of the best that she couldn't. She'd make eleven of her favourite sushi rolls and then some nigiri too. The one type of ingredient Mizuki refused to make or eat, was eel. Hopefully Hiroomi wouldn't be disappointed about that. He was often busy with interviews, reality shows, modelling, working in studio or concerts. They both worked a lot, so when meeting up, she wanted him eating well. Yes, he could afford expensive restaurants, but she knew he sometimes just skipped his meals. That was what use to happen with her too, but now when on a photoshoot, protein bars and small snacks were kept in her lens bag too. He had joked once that she was seducing him with delicious food. It wasn't intentional, however she'd asked if it worked like that. He had yet to answer.

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