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Mizuki also realized that Hiroomi had said that he loved her. That was a big announcement, not lost on her due to the emotional turmoil she'd been in. Although she was unable to say those three words to him as of yet, she did try to show him. First she revealed to him where the secret spot for her apartment key was located. Then after he'd left Mizuki called the soccer team, where she'd received the jersey from, that had his favourite player. She made arrangements with Yokohama FC's manager Takahiro Shimotaira to have Hiroomi join them for a practice and then have some one on one time with his favourite player Kazuyoshi Miura. A request for him to also receive a signed jersey was made. In exchange she'd do their annual calendar photos for free. The deal was made and then the manager sent her the team's schedule so they could co-ordinate. It was the first time she'd used her connections to do something like this. Calling Takahiro, she asked who she needed to talk to at LDH to work the surprise into Hiroomi's schedule. He gave her some information and offered to help connect her to the right people.

"By the way Mizuki, does this mean you sorted things out with him?"

"Yes and thanks for being there for Hiroomi. We talked and I decided not to take the job in the states. Harper's Bazaar gave me a contract for their Japan branch. The money isn't as great as working in USA, but still exceptional."

"That's because your talent is what they value and hence you get rewarded. I'm glad you two are back on track. Care to share what you're doing that involves his schedule?"

"Sorry but that's a secret. I might even blind-fold him on the day of the surprise."

"I'm dying to know what you're up to. If you need help kidnapping him, just let me know."

"I will and thanks again Takahiro."

They ended their call and she started on executing the plan. Mizuki worked with LDH to make the arrangements and found out they'd be filming the surprise too. They even would help the soccer team with promotion due to her setting things up between them. It was turning into a bigger event than she'd planned, but other than the wake up time for Hiroomi on the specified day, she was sure he'd be extra happy with everything else. LDH knew it wasn't Omi's birthday and asked why she was doing all this for him. Her answer was mystifying, as Mizuki could only say it was because he deserved it.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ** ~ ~ ~ ~ **

The day arrived and Mizuki was able to get Hiroomi up and out the door on time, blindfold and earplugs all willingly worn. He had no idea what was going on, but if it made her happy, he'd obey. His day was completely free, so whatever adventure she had planned, he'd go along with it. While she drove them, he took a little nap, since he couldn't see anything anyway. They arrived at the soccer team's training facility. The LDH camera crew was ready and waiting with the coach. Mizuki removed the earplugs, then stepped behind the camera crew.

"Hiroomi, take off your blind fold. We've arrived."

He did as asked and his eyes got huge. "What's going on? No way!"

Kazuyoshi Miura was just finishing his agility and acceleration practice, so was on the soccer field. He jogged over to say hello, with the coach making introductions. Hiroomi was handed his soccer shoes and the team's track suit and told to go change. The team manager took him inside to the locker room to do that off camera. When he returned, his smile was huge.

"I hear you'll be doing some pass practice and directional drills with me. I can show you the best warm up for that," Kazuyoshi explained, after the introductions.

"Yes sir."

Kazuyoshi grinned. "So you're a huge soccer enthusiast and my fan?"

"Definitely. Ever since I was a kid. When I was younger I wanted to be a soccer player. Things didn't turn out that way, but I still love it."

Hiroomi Tosaka:  The Chemistry Of Usحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن