chapter 19

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hey guys, sorry for loong wait. hope you enjoy the chapter :D

(Chapter 19)


I was sat on my bed, my hands and legs tied together with a vengefully strong rope. He gagged me so I couldn’t scream. Sweat glistened off my forehead and I couldn’t help but feel sudden anguish fluster through my body. I was numb. The fear was so evident, that I couldn’t felt like I could pee in my pants. I finally understood that I wasn’t in a dream and that I could very much die tonight. I had firm faith in Damian rescuing me but somehow through the last few hours my faith began to slowly falter. I had no idea why Jason wished so much to kill me. I had many questions but no answers. But I’ve realized my death had begun the moment I woke up to close the window, I just didn’t know it then. I would have preferred to have died blissfully ignorant than to know I’m going to die a painful death and there is nothing I could do about it. I was literally helpless. I heard the fall out between Damian and Jason, I heard what he said and somehow I felt like my death was his revenge against Damian and his father. I could understand that my death was his revenge against Damian and this caused my body to shake with both rage and overwhelming fear because ultimately there was nothing I could do about it.

 I was being held hostage by a vampire! A vampire! A mythical creature! I couldn’t help but laugh at how silly it sounded but my situation was far from silly. But none of that really bothered me, I knew my fate, and I’ve come to accept it. I pushed my dreary thoughts about the future aside and let my mind wander on to other brain scratching issues. My mind immediately jumped to the thoughts of Damian. I felt every single punch, kick, hit and stab that was given to Damian. And I would have thought I even bled with him, but I shook that off as being ridiculous because that was probably my blood staining my clothing from all the times Jason hurt me. But I’m certainly more than positive that I could feel the blind rage Damian had when Jason took me back to the room but I couldn’t understand how. It was like I was a part of Damian, but I just couldn’t fathom how. I was baffled. I knew I loved Damian, but love is nothing but an emotion. You can’t physically feel what the other person is going through. You can empathize, but not even empathy could allow you to feel the harm and emotions that befall him at that time.

The time was now 4am. The whole incident happened just under half an hour ago, but yet I could still feel the rage that was burning within Damian. Damian was the gentlest person I ever met. But, when it came to any harm befalling me Damian always went into a blind fury. It was unnatural and terrifying but I never thought much of it. Damian was always like an overprotective boyfriend, but he was my friend, I assumed it to be somewhat of normal behavior because you do get those friends that are freakishly overprotective.

I shook my head from the unnerving questions that evaded my mind and looked around my room. I noticed that when Jason returned to the room, he looked completely devoid of life. I could see the unhappiness that engulfed him. And it was then that I realized I didn’t know much about Damian. I never knew he had a brother and I never knew of his past life and what bothered me more was that I never asked. I was absolutely oblivious to his “other life”. And it made me question the type of friend I was. It was then that I felt completely miserable. I loved a man I knew nothing about. But what I knew about Damian was good enough to keep me going and I vowed to myself that if I make it out of here tonight I’ll get all the answers to my unnervingly annoying questions.

I opened my eyes leaving all my thoughts behind and saw Jason moving around my room at an unearthly speed. He was carrying something I couldn’t quite place. It was after he slowed down a bit and began walking at a normal pace that I notice his arms were full of small candles, which he placed in a circle in the space in front of my bed.  He then placed a few candles randomly around my room and thereafter switched the light off. My room went completely dark but the moonlight began to illuminate the darkness and completely engulf it. He lit the candles and they dimly danced to the beauty of the moonlight.

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