(chapter 5)

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(Chapter 5)


What little hope I had , had vanished. I was in disbelief. Damian was here to save me , but this-this monster would try his very best to prevent that from happening. All hope was slowly beginning to leave my saddened body. I closed my eyes and with the very last hope I had, I prayed. Oh dear god, please , I beg of you help me in this. save me.

 I walked over to my bed in defeat. There was no way out for me. My last bit of hope was gone. I just wanted this torture to end. I gave up. . .



" Open the door Jason!" I  shouted, banging the door in hope he would unlock it . " Please Jason, don't do this, " I  began to  plead. I  stopped banging the door and slowly fell to the ground. My  back leaning  against the door and my face falling into my hands.

"Why? What's the point damian? She's been nothing but trouble and its time for her end" jason said a wide grin spreading across his face.

" Jason you know that's not true. What has she done wrong ? You know she's innocent"

" Her mere existence is what she has done wrong. Her human nature it disgusts me, and for that she must die !" Jason shouted launching toward ella. He was too fast for her, I could hear his movements and she wasn't fast enough to move out of the way. He had her neck in his hands and she screamed. A blood curling scream. "Let me go please" she begged tears openly wetting her face. I closed my eyes preparing for what would come next. I cannot let her die, not like this. She doesn't deserve to die , he knows that just as well as I do. What has happened is not her fault. He's just acting out but dammit he's so infuriating at times, I need to find a way into the room and save her , God I need to save her. I jumped up almost instantaneously and started banging at the door harder. I will not let her die ! I won't ! " Jason let her go ! Don't you dare touch her!" I  shouted, panic and anger, both very evident in my voice.

 "Relax D , I won't kill her YET. I'm just having a bit of fun" jason teased. How could he be so cruel. " Oh stop crying!" He told her ,rolling his eyes.

" Jason leave her alone, oh so help me god, when I find a way to get into this room, you won't leave to tell the tale " I threatened.

"Hahahahaha, really brother ? Are YOU going to try to stop me ? YOU? Hahahaha" jason laughed mockingly. I heard her sob silently, I could feel her heart beat. But I felt so helpless, I hated it when she cried, she made me feel weak, she made me feel human. She was special. She was my best friend and I have fallen inlove with her.

I leaned my head against the door and whispered " Ella,"

 she stopped crying when she heard my voice " d-damian?"

" I won't let anything happen to you, Ella. I will save you even if its the last thing I do , I promise".



"I won't let anything happen to you, Ella. I will save you even if its the last thing I do, I promise" damian had whispered.

Fresh tears streamed down my face. I couldn't handle this anymore. Jason had almost killed me. There was no emotion good enough to explain how I felt at that moment. I was just very grateful that I was still alive.

Damian gave me new faith. I trusted him. I remember being friends with Damian for as long as I can remember. He was ultimately the best friend anyone could have asked for.  Given the circumstances I couldn't help but think about how extraordinarily handsome he was. The loveliest  features and brown flimsy hair and the most gorgeous pair of grey eyes I had ever seen. I always harboured  a secret feelings when it came to him. How I felt for Damian was definately more than just friendship , but I was a master at hiding my feelings and so I never portrayed any emotion other than sincere friendship when it came to him. And I was dead certain about that. If only I knew whether he felt the same way about me. If he did, I'd throw my arms around his neck and kiss him so passionately making him forget about every other female that walked this earth. Dwelling upon this this was totally futile as he was my best friend and I was about to die. There was no point. . .

I released myself from my depressing thoughts and came back to the real world. I noticed there were no sounds coming from the passage way, Damian wasn't there anymore. I could feel it. My heart sank as I feared the only thing keeping me sane right now had given up hope and left.  

I was jerked out of my thoughts once again by hands quickly grabbing hold of my shoulders. " What are you doing ? " I groaned. He sadistically  grinned as he harshly tilted my head to the side and lowered his mouth to my neck. Adrenaline had forced me to make a move and try to push him off me, but he was too strong.

" Get off me !" I shouted, trying even harder to push him off, but he held his stance. He bit into my neck and I felt the sordid pain, asthough I were his chew toy. I could feel the blood being drained from my body and I suddenly felt very faint. He released me from his hold and I collapsed onto the bed. I could see his wicked grin as he looked at me "Thank you Ella , you certainly do make a delicious meal", he smirked mockingly.

"What the hell is wrong with you?", I shouted furiously. His smirk grew wider and said "ella ella ella , why ask questions , when you won't live to hear the answer" I have never harboured an incling of hatred in my body before , but he infuriated me to such an extent I couldn't help but hate him.he was a trecherous person. Cruel and cunning. And I just wished he would leave me alone." I have never hurt you in my life , I don't even know you, please, please ", I thought aloud "please go away".

He sighed fed up with my pleads, he went and sat on my rocking chair holding teddy against him.  The room was eventually engulfed with mocking silence. I felt taunted as if he were daring me to say something. I glanced over at the  clock laying on my bedside table and noticed that only half an hour had past. I was so tired but I edged myself to stay awake. I observed the chair that sat before my bed, jason seemed to be asleep. I sat up slowly looking more intently at jason and noticed that my door key lay on his lap. I decided it was now or never, and slowly got off my bed making no sound at all and tip toed ever so silently to wear jason sat. I picked up the key and hurriedly but very quietly walked to the door. Everything seemed so easy as I placed the key into the key whole and turned the key, when I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I was rooted to the ground where I stood, afraid to turn around. There was only one person who thus far terrified me.






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