(chapter 18)

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(Chapter 18)

(Present day)

Fear is what consumes us. It completely takes over our emotions and sometimes rational thought. We don’t realize the things we do when we afraid.  Whether you afraid of the dark or afraid to lose someone, but so does a blind fury of rage, it takes over your body and you forget who you are, you could become a mean killing machine, but at the end of it all, it sums up to the same thing… irrational behavior.

 I knew time was running out. Silla and Ava had been gone for quite a while now. I needed to feed to be my strongest as well. There were a few blood bags left in the fridge and I helped myself to it. I tried thinking of plan to get Ella out of that room. I knew that if I could get the door open life would be very easy but even with super human strength that door was built to keep things like myself out. There was no way I could get it out the key or using some really hard magic. I walked back to the window and decided to observe the perimeter. I noticed none of Jason’s minions were around, which was weird because he would off have them patrolling the area. But what surprised me the most was that there was not a single rebel in the vicinity, I was so engulfed in my thoughts I didn’t even realize the place was rebel free. I looked back to Ella’s room and noticed she was stirring in her sleep. I scanned the room for Jason and attempted to use our brother bond, but I couldn’t sense him. I couldn’t sense him at all. It was then that I realized Ella was alone in the room.  I ran out of the apartment I was in and made my way down to the ground floor. I walked outside and observed my surroundings, the road was too quite. It was eerie. I looked to the roof tops and saw it was empty. This was my chance I thought I snuck over across the road trying to avoid any one or thing that looked suspicious; I was at Ella’s door when I heard loud uneven panting and breathing I ducked in the bush on the side of the house and waited for the person to come out. My heart was pounding as the door flung open and Ella appeared. She took a step forward and I yanked her into the bush I was in. she looked so terrified. She pushed me away at first, sadness engulfing her eyes, but I pull her into my arms and kissed her forehead. I could feel her confusion.

“Look at me!” I said forcefully, “Ella, please, Ella! Look at me,” I pleaded. I pulled her face to stare into her lapis lazuli eyes. And I whispered her name “Ella,” I needed to soothe her and get her to trust me again, to realize it was me and not Jason, “I will never let him touch you, I'm sorry Ella, this is my entire fault. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you,” I said softly. “Ella!” I shouted at her, “Snap out of it”. I kept telling her sweet nothings to get her to register that she was safe. It took her a little while to realize it was me, but I kissed her gently and it took her few minutes to comprehend what was happening before she kissed me back full force. I couldn’t help but smile. She was my Ella and I finally had her safe and sound in my arms. Before I knew it, she was yanked out of my arms and I felt a full out blow hit across my face. The pain was unbearable, but I forced myself to get up and retaliate. I was about to grab Jason but I was pulled back and held in place by two rebels, they punched me constantly as I tried to escape and go after Ella. I barely felt the punches as I was enraged, I threw them off after a few minutes of their beating. The two rebels lay on the floor shocked. I ran in to the house and ran straight for the door screaming for Ella. I felt the anger I’ve withheld for years burn a fiery whole in my heart. I couldn’t focus straight; the only thing running through my head was ripping Jason a part limb for limb. I made it to the top stairs shouting after Jason, when a group of at least 15 rebels stepped in front of me. In my blind rage I soared through them, punching, hitting and kicking whoever came in my way. In my blind rage I pulled out my iron dagger dipped in ash from a decomposed body mixed with stale blood. It was the only thing that could possibly kill a beast of the night. I soared through the bodies, punching, stabbing and occasionally snapping necks. I was fierce uncaring all I could think about was getting to Ella, I needed to protect! I needed to protect! I walked right up the stairs now, untouched by the filthy rebels, some trying their luck others running in the opposite direction. I had my hand on the door knob ready to open the door when I was yanked back. I was being held by more men this time, they hit my hand until my dagger fell to the floor and was lost among the many feet that surrounded me. I felt all the rage that suddenly burned through just as suddenly decline until there was nothing left but an empty shell. I felt as they drove a knife through my body, rendering me helpless. I felt the blood ooze out and my vision blur. They punched me and stabbed me until I couldn’t feel the pain anymore. They tortured me and burned, but I couldn’t help but think of how helpless Ella was. They dint stop their torturous attacks on me until I heard the door open and Jason stepped out, I was semi-conscious now and I could barely make out what happen, I could only hear his loud voice boom through my ears. “Let him be!” he shouted, “I said leave him! I want him alive as I drain the life out of his precious. I want him to watch as I enjoy every bit of taking her life,” he sneered. “I want him to watch how I become the king of the underworld and when I do, I’m going to make him watch as I kill every single person who stands by his side including father!” he shouted, “And then, I’m going to watch as he rips his own heart out and dies, just the way he did when he and the so called king let them kill my mother.” 

“No,” I whispered and then my mind went blank as I slipped into a state of unconsciousness.




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