(chapter 9)

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(Chapter 9)


My problems just got a whole lot worse. I sat on the corner head of my bed clutching my knees to my chest, unable to control the tears that have have been rolling down my face all night. I tried so hard not believe what was happening but I couldn't deny it anymore. More tears had started to fall as the reality of the situation began to thoroughly sink in. I desperately wished I hadn't woken up earlier.I should have just stayed in bed and slept, maybe none of this would have happened. Maybe he would have just put me out of my misery and killed me in my sleep. But why did I have to wake up! Why?

It was bad enough that i was being held hostage in my room with a guy who wanted me dead. But now, now he's a vampire ! He's not even human! How could that be ? Its just not possible! there were no such things as vampires!

I tried so hard 2 deny the facts that were staring me in the face, I was conflicted. I dint know what to believe. I looked up with a tear stained face to see jason standing at the window all traces of blood on his face were gone. He looked so calm and collected. Like nothing had happened. Maybe nothing happened. Maybe I just imagined the whole thing.

"I must be dreaming " I thought aloud.

"Hahahaha," I looked up to see jason laughing.

"Your not real," I said firmly blinking back tears.

"Oh honey , why don't you get it through your thick skull, you are NOT dreaming. And this is VERY real. Your worst nightmare, my darling, is coming true" he said with a mock grin.

"No! No this isn't real! You not real!" I cried denying the truth.

i was sobbing again, as he looked out the window. "for god's sake, SHUT THE HELL UP!" he shouted, losing all coolness. i tried to stop sobbing but just burst into more tears. he was at my side within a flash and grabbed a fist full of my hair, pulling my head backwards. "SHUT UP!!!" he screeched. His face only inches away from mine. i stopped crying but the tears rolled silently down my face. how could he have changed so quick. it was less than a few minutes ago that he seemed to be feeling remorse and confessing the reason he was truly here, and now it was as though he were a completely different person.

He let me go, and silently moved to stand back at the window. His eyes turning a dull black. Minutes passed speedily as He just kept staring aimlessly out of the window.

"its time "jason suddenly said "its time for your demise. i cannot wait any longer".

"n-no, please, i b-beg of you" i stammered, "p-please dont kill me. you dont have to".

jason turned away from her for the last time and he looked directly across ellas room into the above window. His eyes flashed pure black as he spoke to the person in line of his vision.

 "brother i know you watching, you better get your girl before her clock stops ticking".







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