(chapter 10)

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(Chapter 10)


"No! No! No!" I shouted. Punching the wall furiously. He's made his threat, her times running out. "No!" I shouted again," he can't do it. He can't" a tear escaped my eye. I brushed it away quickly as Ava came over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder , "it will be alright. we'll get her back" .

"How ava? How ? He's going to kill her now," I  sighed, defeated.

"He can't kill her now," spoke a soft voice from across the room. I looked up to see silla sitting on the couch holding the tip of a stake. I looked at her confused ," what do you mean he can't kill her now? "

"Damian, he's made his threat, but he still has to follow the ritual, remember."

Silla said with enthusiasm.

I looked at her still confused as she elaborated " you see damian, its only midnight now. If jason fulfills the prophecy he has to perform the ritual or risk ella coming into her full powers and unless he redeems himself, he may not survive. So he won't risk it" .

" Oh my god! How could I have forgotten the prophecy. So that means we still have a little more than a couple of hours left?" I said.

"Well actually ," ava interjected " we have till just before dawn".

"Just before dawn?" I asked wearily.

"Yup, before dawn. You see the ritual needs to take place before the end of night , and technically night ends when day begins which is at the break of dawn. So we need to stop that ritual from happening sometime before dawn," ava said sheepishly but still very optimistical.

" Hey ,Silla, earlier you said you have a plan to tell ella that we're coming for her , mind telling us what it is ? " I asked looking at silla intently.

"Well actually we can't do my plan anymore because well jason knows where we are. And he looked directly at you when he made his threat" silla informed.

"Yeah I guess that makes sense, dammit! We need to find a way to get to her!" I said punching my hand against the wall in absolute frustration.

"Damian, oh my god!!! Damian! That's it , we can help ella!" Ava shouted excitedly.

I looked at her confused "h-how?"

"D, I know how you truly feel about ella," ava said.

"H-how I t-truly feel?" I hesitantly glanced between both ava and silla.

Ava smiled reassuringly at me, " its okay, damian, you don't need to pretend anymore, I know that you've fallen for her and there can never be a someone else. Your bound to her now, a blood bound," she said.

I looked shocked as she spoke, could she really know how I feel?I glanced at silla and could have sworn that her eyes flashed black as ava spoke, but I could have been imagining it. Silla did have naturally dark brown eyes which were almost blackish. She was beautiful, with her long blond hair, caressing her soft face. Silla was gorgeous any guy would be lucky to have her, she had all the right curves in all the right places. Every guy wanted to be with her and every girl wanted to be her . So was ava, ava was a goddess in her very own league , she was tall and slender with black curly hair with golden blue eyes that burned constantly with a fiery passion. They were both so beautiful, so enigmatic. It was a wonder that they didn't have boyfriends. Maybe they enjoyed their freedom. Or maybe they did and I just didn't know about it, but they would tell me if they had a special someone in their lives. They were my closest friends. It was the greatest feeling just having them around. But now wasn't the time to dwell on their love lives and trivial matters ,I needed to focus on ella and getting her back safe. I couldn't fathom how ava knew how I truly felt about ella. I guess ava and silla have their own special powers that only they know about. What did ava mean by blood bound ? Why didn't I believe in the prophecy ? Maybe because I always assumed it would never come true. But now things have changed. Jason has changed, and ellas life was in danger. Could I really be blood bound?

Before I knew it, I was saying the words "blood bound" out aloud.

"Yes blood bound, D," Ava repeated.

"Blood bound with ella?" I said dumbstruck. "But how ? The prophecy, it can't be true," I denied. I knew it was true, somewhere in my denial , I believed the prophecy. This could explain why I felt so protective of ella. Why I couldn't stop thinking about her. Why I could remove her from my heart. I can understand being inlove with ella, but how were we blood bound ?

"If you remember a few years ago, ella met up in that awful accident. And she needed a blood donation. The blood you donated to ella, had caused her to get stronger, preventing her from getting seriously injured and making whatever new injuries she got healed faster" ava spoke as if she heard my questions. " It was after that tranfusion that you and ella became really close. From being inlove with ella , you felt that you needed to be with her constantly and protect her. You couldn't pull yourself away from her. If she got hurt , you felt her pain. If she was sad, you were sad. In other words, both you and ella's emotions were linked. Your bond has just gotten stronger. You would do anything for her. Even stand in the sun and burn to death, if it helped keeping her safe. You would die for her," ava continued. " This is the bloodbound relationship you have. Its almost equates to you both being soulmates, you love her and she loves you. You need to close your eyes ,Damian and think about ella, she'll get your message. Its the only way to tell her we're coming to rescue her. I know you can do it, you have the love of a bloodbound. This might be our only way to give ella the hope she needs to keep fighting, we believe in you. No , ELLA believes in you, you can do this,  " Ava finished smiling reassuringly at me.  

I stared at Ava open mouthed. I regained my lost confidence and nodded at her  both in  assurance and gratitude. She had hit the nail on the head. I knew I was inlove with ella, but I never realised that we were bloodbound. I had long forgotten about the transfusion. And now ava had reminded me. Which made me think about the consequences of me not getting to ella in time.

"If we are bloodbound, and if ella dies tonight, it means I die too. . . " I drifted off, staring straight through the window , my eyes resting delicately on the girl in the room across. A tear escaped my eye as I looked at my Elaine. I closed my eyes blinking back the rest of the threatening tears , and allowed my mind wonder to only thoughts of my ella .

 Ella, I need you. Be strong, I'm coming.  






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