(chapter 15)

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hey guys, i would like to thank all my readers and fans for following my story. i totally appreciate it, especially all the comments and votes, really keeps me motivated. thanks to you all.

XOXO love-angel-1

 its still the flashback chapters hope you guys enjoy it.

(Chapter 15)

“What the hell just happened?” Silla asked astounded by what had happened.

“Did you just single handedly take out those three guys?” Ava asked, as she glanced around and looked at the three lifeless bodies that lay on the ground. 

“Urrmmm, well uh, yeah, I guess I did,” I replied sheepishly, running my hands through my brown flimsy hair.

“OH MYGOD!” Ava yelled. “You Found her!!!” she squealed. I looked at Ava confused, her mind was constantly working, and I had no idea what she was talking about. Silla raised an eyebrow at Ava, “who did D find?” she asked. “Yeah, Ava, I saved an innocent girl that was all, I didn’t find anything out of the ordinary,” I added.

“Don’t be a fool Damian,” Ava said, suddenly very serious, “we must go to the king at once and report our findings”. By now I was completely befuddled. I had no idea whatsoever Ava was going on about. Silla and I just looked at each other and then back at Ava as she was bursting with new excitement.

“Why do we need to go to my father?” I asked her.

“Just come and all your questions will be answered” she replied grabbing my hand and speeding off towards my house.

“Gosh you crazy, A” Silla laughed as she ran behind us.  


We finally reached my house. It was at the very end of the cul-de-sac of the road, but there was a small river that ran across the road just before the cul-de-sac. The river was of a magical means. It had always been there even before we arrived at this town, but with a tiny bit of magic, it was blessed and provided the whole town with water. It also protected whoever drank the water from any supernatural harm. The river that lay before my home was also used as protection for my family; the rebels couldn’t cross the river as it had negative effects on them, even if a single droplet of water touched them, they would perish and die immediately. This is an ideal way of killing the rebels, but we are not of their nature, ruthless killers. Although temptation is great, if we use the water to kill the rebels for our own gain, we would die and it would be rendered in effective. This was just the conditions of using the great magical water, and my father was glad to adhere to these conditions as he believed that killing our fellow brothers was wrong and believed in peace. But this wasn’t his only reason for agreeing to these conditions. It also had to do with the fact that my elder brother was running one of the highest ranking rebellion groups in history. My father always believed that my brother would return to us in his old pure form, but this never happened. It’s been years since he changed. (I know it seems like a very short time in human years, but in vampire years, 1 human year was equivalent to 100vampires years).

It felt like just yesterday that my life turned upside down. I remember it so clearly, I just turned 12, and I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep, when I heard my mother screaming. I jumped out of bed afraid that something was very wrong. I ran out into the hall and watched as my mother turned the corner running towards my room. The house was set alight and she was frantic, telling me run and go to our secret hide out. I clutched on to her hand crying, I didn’t want to leave her. She calmed down a bit and told me that she needed me to be a good boy and go, and that my dad and the servants were already outside waiting for me. She then urged me to go and said she’d only be a minute and that I needn’t worry because she’s just going to grab Jason and join us outside were we would all be safe. She then pushed me towards the front door as I heard an explosion towards the back of the house. I jumped and clutched onto her tightly now, ever more afraid to let go. “Honey,” she said soothingly, “you must listen to me, I love you,” she began as I started crying uncontrollably, afraid of letting her go, “no mom, please don’t make me,”

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