(chapter 23)

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(Chapter 23)

It was a few days later. I was stood in one of the sections of the gardens behind my lavish house. The funeral was to take place today allowing Ella’s real family as well as the vampire community to come and pay their respects. The rebels had gone into hiding since Jason died. We are giving him a proper burial, he wasn’t always evil and he deserved a decent burial. Maybe his soul would rest in peace now. I knew in my heart that Ella was better off where she was now. She was out of harms way. But I couldn’t help the constant pangs in my heart for her. I missed her terribly and the fact that we didn’t even get a chance to live out our love was what broke me even more. I saw Ava as she entered the garden all dressed in black. She looked magnificent as always. She greeted people and thanked them for coming. She maneuvered her way over to where I stood and gave me a quick hug. “I can’t believe it all ended this way,” she said sadly. I looked at her and smiled sadly “I guess it was meant to be. I prepped my entire life to save her from this fate but I guess GOD has his own plans for us”. I looked at the casket that stood directly in front of us and stepped closer to it. I looked inside to see Ella’s smiling face. She looked so beautiful. Her soft black her was laid gently underneath her and her lips were their beautiful ruby red color. I always thought she looked way more beautiful than snow white ever could. She was clad in a beautiful blue and white summer dress. I leant down and brushed a kiss across her forehead saying my final goodbyes when Ava came to stand beside me. “She looks beautiful, doesn’t she?” she asked softly. “Yes, she does” I replied sadly. “She looks peaceful now. Nothing can ever hurt her again” she said smiling sadly at the body that lay before us. “I’ll miss you Ella, my best friend may you rest in eternal peace” she said between muffled sobs. “I’m sorry D,” Ava said sobbing, “I thought I could handle this but I don’t think I can,” she said turning on her heels ready to run. I grabbed her hand just as she began to move and pulled her in to a tight embrace. I realized I was the only one who was mourning, my friend was too. Ava lost a lot that night as well. “It’s ok Ava, let it all out. Ella loved us all. We were her best friends, no her family and she loved you as a sister,” I said calmly as she cried in my arms. “That’s it, let it all out,” I said as I rubbed calming circles on her back. Ava cried all through the funeral. We were both stood at the head of Ella’s tomb stone. Tears stung my eyes. I said my final goodbye and was ready to leave when Ava stopped me. I put my arm around her to comfort her as I read the tomb stone:

 “‘Elaine Demont’e

 A daughter, a friend and a love.

 The girl who never got past a night without day”

----------------------------THE END ---------------------       

hey to all my readers. thank you for supporting me with this book and reading it.  i hope it was worth the wait. :D

<3 u all.

 dont forget to vote, fan and comment.


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