(chapter 8)

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(Chapter 8)


I could feel like a new gaze resting on me. I took sneak peeks through the window outside my room, but could see nothing. I was expecting some sort of sign letting me know that they were coming to save me, but yet again nothing. I looked once again to jason sat and this time caught his eyes lingering on me. I noticed for the first time, how sad and sunken in they were. He was a handsome guy ,but it was his eyes which seemed to suddenly enhance his features, perhaps it was the danger that danced around them. His hair a slight brownish blonde which showed off his forever greenish blue eyes. He was clothed in full black. A black formal pants and a silky black shirt. He reminded me very much of a cliched vampire. The type that would go around killing people and then suddenly end up falling inlove with that one special victim. Well it was a good thing vampires didn't exist , or my problems would be just more than being held hostage in my bedroom. I began to wonder about what he meant when he said he was the prince of darkness. Was he part of some gang ? And what did any of that have to do with me? I had a regular life with my very regular friends. So why did this guy want to kill me? I just wish he would give me some answers OR kill me and end my misery.

As though he read my mind , he began to speak " sigh! I never meant for any of this to happen. I certainly don't want to kill you, but I feel I have no choice. Do you know you get the feeling you were born to do something ? " He looked at me for a brief moment , as if expecting a response, but when he didn't receive any reply, he just kept talking, " well i get that feeling when it comes to you". sadness showing evidently in his suddenly dark eyes.

eventhough i felt like there was a dark cloud hovering over me at that moment, i couldn't help but feel pity for my captor. he seemed so genuine in his speech. It was unfair, Why did i have to feel like this.

he looked at me now and i could feel like he sensed how i felt and he sighed once more before he began to speak again " a prophecy claims that one of two sons of the dark father will be born to a life that he shall not want, but when the time comes he will claim his rightful place and slay the one who brings all change. he shall slay the goddess and take away his blood brothers life by killing her . . . " he looked down and for the first throughout this terrible ordeal, i saw a tinge of sadness in his eyes.

i looked at him now as he spoke " i NEVER wanted to go down this path. i always thought i could stop myself-"

"but you can do something about it. forget about me and go live your life. you dont have to kill me. you can make your own destiny" i said frantically.

"no i cant! you dont understand. . . i have dreams about having to kill you. i wake in the morning thriving for your blood. i need to kill you in order for me to move on and live my life."

"how can you be so sadistic! i have a life too ! i also deserve a chance at happiness, please i can tell that you arent a killer, please let me go "

he slowly looked up to face me and within an instant i saw his face change into something unusual. he snarled and flashe dbefore me. he had my head tilted in a steadfast grip and i cried out in pain as he attacked my neck.

and within a second he was cowering away in the corner of my room with blood covering his face. MY BLOOD! 

i was horrified. unable to move. i sat there in complete shock. tears slowly streaming down my face.





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