chapter 22

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(Chapter 22)


I placed my hand on the door knob and braced myself for my final mission. The thing I have been preparing for my entire life. ‘Protect Ella’.

I opened the door to see Jason lift his head from the crook of Ella’s neck. His eyes looked like red dangerous orbs. His mouth was smeared with Ella’s blood. Ella I remembered. I looked to see Ella smile at me one last time as her body began to fall to the floor. My heart raced and I found myself running towards her screaming “Ella nooooo!”

 I caught her just in time before she could hit the floor. I cradled her in my arms, tears soaking my face. I couldn’t lose her, not now. She meant the world to me. Her eye lids fluttered open. She smiled as she took in my face. “Damian,” she said.  “I- may not- survive- tonight,” she gasped between breathes, “Sshhhh,” I said placing my finger on her lips, “you don’t need to say anything, just save your strength”.  She shook her head and slowly took my hand that was placed on her lips and kissed it. She held my hand in a death grip and continued to talk “I need to tell you this, you need to know,”

No, I shook my head. I dint want her to say anything. I didn’t want her to die. A few off my rolled down my cheek and she wiped them away. “Damian, never forget – I – I –love you” she gasped, tears now flowing down her cheeks. I leant down to kiss her and that’s when she took her last breath and left me forever.

I was heartbroken. The only one thing in my life that allowed me to feel human was gone. I let myself cry for a few seconds before I heard a shrill laugh. I clutched Ella closer to me as I looked up to see a menacing Jason start to glow. Light illuminated from within him causing him to laugh diabolically. “Finally!” he exclaimed as he grew brighter. “Finally I will be in control of the underworld. Everything will be MINE! And NO-ONE will be able to stop me!” he screeched.

“No, you wrong!” I shouted through clenched teeth. “I’ll stop you, even if it’s the last thing I do. I’ll do it for Ella and for her honor”. Jason just laughed louder as he spoke “oh it was because of her that I am able to rule the world today. All thanks goes to precious little dead Ella” he laughed diabolically. I laid Ella down gently and stood up preparing myself for a life or death battle. The light illuminating from Jason began to glow brighter causing my eyes to burn, I ducked for cover behind the bed and closed my eyes. I heard Jason’s sadistic laugh and could feel the light get all the more brighter. I was expecting an energy explosion from all the light that was being radiated off Jason, but after a few minutes when nothing came I found myself slowly opening my eyes. The room was back to being lit by half dim candles with only the moonlight lighting it up. I looked around making sure it was safe when I heard him clear his throat. The power that I felt being emitted from Jason was enormous. I envied him for a slight second and realized I wouldn’t be able to take him on with that kind off power. I straightened up my body and pulled out my sword reading myself for what was to come. He laughed at my futile attempt. “Oh are you planning to kill me with that puny sword,” he said mockingly. “No harm in trying,” I responded with my best smile. “It’s time for your end, Jason. I won’t allow you to wreak havoc in a perfect world”. I took my stance and readied myself to attack. Jason licked his fingers and an exact replica of the sword I held appeared. “Fair fight?” he said raising his eyebrow. I knew better than to trust him but I agreed any way. “A fair fight it is”.

We began circling each other waiting patiently for the other to make the first move. We continued in that fashion for a few minutes until Jason grew bored and took the first swing. Our swords clashed and pounding together. Shredding and tearing apart any thing that fell in its way. I caught Jason off guard a few times which allowed me to gain a small advantage as my sword sliced through his arm and chest. He screamed in pain. And I laughed “that was for Ella, you freak”. My laughter shortly came to a halt as his body quickly healed itself. “You must have been delusional if you thought it would be that easy to get rid off me,” he snorted. I shrugged “it was always worth a try”.

The fight started to get fiercer as Jason started to use his powers. He was quicker than I was and so it was getting a bit hard to keep track of his movements. He seemed to nab me a couple of times. It was his last blow that threw me off balance. He severed my arm which a heart wrenching pain shot through it. I was a bloody mess. I had blood dripping off my forehead from scratches and cuts were spread out and around my body. The same went for Jason. He had a nasty scratch that would eventually be reduced to a scar right across his right cheek. He had a few more cuts spread around his body but he worst inflicted ones were across his chest, left leg and right arm. How I managed to get him was anybodies guess. He couldn’t control his new found powers and thus I could feel the panic that started to roll off him whenever I got in a shot. He seemed to be easily hurt. Jason sped around me taunting me every time I took a swing at him and missed. I was growing tired and weak. Losing Ella had caused me to grow a lot weaker because of our bond. I was panting heavily but didn’t let my guard down. I started to notice something when Jason started to slow down. Was he getting tired of playing this game and was going to just finish me off here and now? No, that can’t be, Jason loved playing with his victims. I couldn’t understand his reasons for suddenly slowing down.  I started to see Jason more visibly now and noticed that he was panting as heavily as I was, maybe even more.

‘I could use this to my advantage’ I thought, ‘he wouldn’t know what hit him’. I waited patiently fully aware that Jason’s lost most of his focus on me and looked just as confused as I did. “What’s going on? This isn’t supposed to happen,” he snarled. “Ahhhh!” he screamed as he clutched his stomach and started coughing. My natural instinct was to run over to him and to make sure he was ok, but I couldn’t do that. He needed to die. Too many lives have been sacrificed and too many lives depended on it. I positioned myself carefully out of his sight awaiting the moment to attack, when he doubled over in pain. He clutched his stomach tighter and looked up and that was when I noticed the blood he was coughing up. He was too distracted by his own blood to notice me making my move. It was now or never I urged myself and leaped to attack. He turned at the right moment and stepped back. “What the hell!” he shouted. I slashed at him with my sword and he just managed to move out of my way. “This, All, ends now!” I stated. I lunged forward to attack him. He fell backwards his head hitting the bed post and once again just managed to escape my wrath. “P-Please,” he begged, “d-don’t do this, please” he said pleadingly. “You didn’t even bat an eyelid when you killed Ella, you didn’t consider her pleas” I snarled at him showing him my fangs. He coward away “No, no, that’s not true, I didn’t want to kill her. I had to. It was the proph-“

“ohh, don’t you tell me it was the prophecy that made you do it!” I spat at him, “you had a choice, you always had a choice and you just kept choosing wrong”.

“No, listen to me, I-I’m sorry. Please, you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did. We could be the family we never were. Please, d-don’t do it. I’m weak, the ritual didn’t work I was too late. Please don’t, you’re my brother.  ” he pleaded coughing up more blood.

“My brother died the moment Ella’s heart stopped beating. I don’t have a brother” and with that I took one last swing at him cutting off his head. Jason’s last cried echoed through the air. Small tweaks of sunlight started to peep into the room. “Damian!” I heard Ava shout as she barged into the room. “No!” I heard her gasp, “Ella”. I turned to face a now crying Ava as she knelt besides Ella’s limp body. Fresh tears started to roll down my face as I heard Ava’s loud wails. “Oh, Damian,” she cried, “I’m s-s-so sorry” she sobbed. She laid down Ella’s body as I fell to my knees in front of Ella’s lifeless body, my face in my hands. Loud piercing cries escaped me as I mourned my one true love. I pulled Ella into my arms and held her close, fresh tears once again rolling down my cheeks. I wished this was a fairytale where I could kiss her one last time and she would wake up. I closed my eyes and kissed her once ruby red lips and slowly opened my eyes hoping hers would flutter open too. I heard Ava whimper as she realized what I was doing. I looked at Ella hopefully and when nothing happened I began to shake her ferociously shouting at her to wake up. She couldn’t leave me. Not now. I needed her. Ava started to wail when I lost control. “Damian,” she said softly, the first time, and when I ignored her and continued to throw my tantrum she shouted louder “Damian, stop!” she cried this time pulling Ella out of my deathly grip. “I’m sorry” she said laying Ella down and pulling me into an embrace. I couldn’t control myself. I was broken. I lost more than one could handle. I lost my best friend, my brother and my soul mate. Ava held me as I poured out my soul as my grief slowly consumed me.




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