(chapter 20)

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(Chapter 20)


“It’s time!” Jason said.

I heard his entire conversation with Ella. I finally understood why my brother hated me so much. He felt like the unlucky child being thrown in to the situations he was in. it all sunk in now. He wished it were me in his shoes instead. He wished I were the bad one. But it was too late, he wasn’t prepared to change. And who was his love? I would have known, he’s the talk of the underworld. His words kept ringing like a bell in my head “It’s time!” We had no game plan and I had no idea what to do. It was almost time for the end of dusk and the break of dawn. The time before night can end and day can begin. It was almost 5am. I saw Jason throw Ella emerge from her bathroom wearing a long velvet red dress with black trimming around the deep v neck. Her body was bare of any jewelry and make-up. She wore no shoes. My heart was beginning to panic. And I turned quickly to Ava and Silla. “We need to break into the room at all costs. Ava you try and get in through the window and Silla you go round the back” I said. “Grab whatever weapon and armory you can and go,” I shouted as I grabbed my sword and ran out the door. I noticed that Silla and Ava were right behind me. They both gave me reassuring smiles as I ran bolted out the building and straight into Ella’s house. There were a few rebels around and easily sliced through them taking their heads off as I fought. Ava and Silla split up. I could see Silla as she ran round the back and Ava as she jumped the trees to get in level with Ella’s window. I ran into the house and was stopped by a room full of rebels. I could hear loud explosions coming from outside and immediately knew it was Ava. She must have been using her magic to break into the room. I focused my attention on the room full of rebels. I braced myself and said a little prayer before I ran into the room. I diced and soared through all those that came towards me. I shouted and screamed and sent as many souls as I could back to hell. I was battling a rebel when one hit me on the back of the head. I screamed out in pain and turned furiously to behead the person who had the audacity to attack me. I was fighting the two guys on my own they both were dressed the same but their hairs were different colors. One was blonde and the other black. It was my sword against theirs. I took a swing at the blond guy and jumped as the black haired guy tried to chop off my legs. They backed me into a corner laughing. I wiped away the sweat that was beginning to form on my head, when the black haired guy fell limp to the floor. I blinked a few times to comprehend what happened until I saw Silla taking on the blond guy. I smiled at Silla and thanked her for coming to my rescue and ran helped her finish the remaining rebels. I could feel my heart rate slowing and my stomach begin to knot. I could feel something wasn’t right and began to panic. I ran up the stairs leaving Silla behind. I reached the top flight of stairs and could see Ella’s room. Two rebels appeared out of no were and I took great pleasure in staking them to death. I ran to Ella’s room and was about to kick it down when something flashed before me. “I’m sorry D,” the voice said.

 I stepped back and looked at the figure in horror. “What are you doing?” I shouted. “Move out of the way! She’s gonna die!” I shouted angrily.

 “I’m sorry D. I love Jason. And this is the only way we can rule the kingdom together,” Silla said.    

“No,” I said disbelievingly, “you’ve been working with him all this time?”

“Yes,” Silla confessed, her eyes flashing black.

“I thought you were my friend, why?” I asked sadly.

“I love him. He’s my soul-mate. It just happened. And then I found out about the major loophole in the prophecy and the smell of power overcame me” she said uncaringly.

I looked at my friend and a sad pain crippled my heart. I felt so betrayed by my best friend. And then I realized that it was Silla who sabotaged my earlier plan to rescue Ella. Silla must have informed Jason of my spontaneous plan to rescue Ella. Ella was abruptly pulled out of my arms. This as well as the betrayal of my best friend caused anger to sweep over me like a dark cloud. “You will pay for this,” I said through gritted teeth.

“Its too late now,” she said laughing menacingly.

I roared with fierce anger and drove my sword through her body. She fell to the ground whimpering and trying to cower away. I placed my sword on the side of her head and towered over her as I said “I didn’t drive my sword right through your heart, your death would have been too easy. I want you to watch every torturous moment as I kill your boyfriend and I want you to feel every bit of pain as I drive my sword through his cold black heart”.

 I felt a quick pang of panic rush through my body. I jumped over Silla and ran to the door to see it slightly apart. I kept telling myself ‘please don’t let me be too late, please don’t let me be too late. Dear god, please don’t let me be too late’. I placed my hand on the door knob and braced myself for my final mission. The thing I have been preparing for my entire life. ‘Protect Ella’.



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