(chapter 12)

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After the message I received from damian. Jason seemed to keep his distance. He still pushed me around , but he seemed to be more causious, especially when handling me. He didn't speak much, but then again he never did. His calm collected attitude had been discarded, and he was more alert. I'd see him occasionally open his mouth as to speak , but no words came. The time was now 1:30am. As terrified as I was , my body was aching for some sleep. Escape or any thought of it was a futile effort, and so I dozed off in to a deep sleep.


"Let me go!" She screamed, " Let me go!" . I looked around frantically to see who was screaming. I wasn't in my bedroom anymore. I was in some unknown place where there was a slight mist and the air was foggy. Eventhough my surroundings were so clear I couldn't see exactly were I was. It was like I was in a vast place with nothing but mist clouding my vision.

"Let me go! ! ! Aaaaahhhhh"

 I heard the screaming words again and again and finally began to follow the voice, walking at first and then slowly speeding up until I was running as if away from something. I stopped suddenly out of breath. And bent over my hands on my knees,  My chest heaving, I struggled to catch my breathe and slowly I took deep breaths calming myself down, feeling good that the voice had stopped screaming. I stood up straightening my back , stretching when I heard the voice very close this time. I looked up to see a girl that looked exactly like me, in the restraints of a man. He was aboded in black garments, and he reeked with a sense of danger. Everything in my body screamed that he meant danger. I wanted to help the girl but something kept me glued to the ground. It was what the strange man was doing to the girl. I couldn't see his face clearly but I could feel everything she felt , maybe I was over empathetic, or we were somehow linked. But I could feel asthough everything he did to her was being done to me. I felt like I was the girl he was restraining. I watched as his gazed pierced her flesh. His eyes. His dangerous eyes. The mist was beginning to thicken and she was being taken away ,dragged with his nails scratching her skin. I suddenly felt my hand burn and quickly rubbed it to cool it off. But once I was done I saw the remnants of the scars his nails left on my hand.  My heart began to pound , my chest started to close , and I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe. What was happening to me ! I shut my eyes tight , clutching my chest and fell to the ground. Where I pulled myself into a ball as I felt sweat run down my forehead and his hand clasped over my mouth , panic making it harder for me to breathe, his teeth grazed my bare neck . . .

and I  jerked awake .


Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead. What the hell was that ? I noticed I was back in my room, on my bed. I was in my room. I could still feel my heart pounding from the nightmare I had. Gosh , it was so real. Tears brimmed at my eyelids, but I refused to let myself cry. Now wasn't the time to be weak. I needed to stay strong. Jason would only take pleasure in my pain. I glanced at my bedside clock, it was now 3:15am. I sat back resting against the head board pulling my knees to my chest. I took comfort in the feeling of hope that damian would rescue me. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and opened them and took a glance around my room and for the first time since I have awoken I noticed jason wasn't in the room.



**i really hope you guys are enjoying the story, and i hope its captivating and interesting. i would like to hear your views on it so do comment. ***




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